United Kingdom

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United Kingdom

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Topic of discussion is currently "Top 5 favourite films and why"

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3 January 2012
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  1. cjn22's avatar


    Hey everyone, I hate to go off topic, but I've just been introduced to the film streaming site mubi: http://uk.mubi.com/tell-a-friend/global/to6o4m6
    Is it new or am I late to the party? Has anyone else used it, and if so what did you think of it? It seems like it could be amazing, but having just joined I may just be getting my hopes up. 10 years 9 months ago
  2. I Coulda Been A Contender's avatar

    I Coulda Been A Contender

    Weekend (2011) - Urgh, my heart's still feeling vaguely broken from this. A British social realist film set over a Weekend about a one night stand that may be something more. This film completely surprised me and despite the fact very little happens it remained interesting and emotive from start to end. This film managed to somehow feel very real from the low budget film style to the inane conversations about tea cups - it felt less like watching a movie and more like being privy to someone's life (in a non creepy way)

    Fight Club - I don't know what to say that hasn't been said about this film. Just a great movie, The Pixies song is a fantastic end.

    Stand By Me - This film is just so nostalgic and beautiful and innocent. It's both happy and sad and just generally perfect.

    Donnie Darko - Just think this is a great teenage sci - fi film, interesting, funny and with just enough teenage angst. Also a nice soundtrack.

    Trainspotting - Gritty, funny and ultimately pretty positive, great book and fantastic film.

    I feel like my very poor articulation hasn't done justice to how i feel about these movies so i'm sorry about that. Adventureland, The Breakfast Club, Brokeback Mountain and Watchmen very nearly made this list too. 11 years ago
  3. Domi's avatar


    Mr Nobody – In my opinion, it's perfect. The story, the performances, the cinematography... Basically, everything. I've watched it oh so many times and every time I'm as amused as I was the first time I saw it.

    (500) Days of Summer – The one I watch when I'm heartbroken or generally very upset. It gets the tears out of me and then leaves me cheered up.

    Amelie – Heartwarming and very positive. Brings my optmism back. And the soundtrack is simply beautiful!

    Into the Wild – It's so influencing and inspiring... I don't know what's not to love about it.

    Fight Club – Brilliant, shocking and greatly done by the director and the actors.

    The ones which were close to making it to the top: The Dark Knight, The Silence of the Lambs, Inception, The Truman Show, Life is Beautiful. 11 years 5 months ago
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