IMDb's Top 250's comments - page 37

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Comments 541 - 555 of 579

Flowneppets's avatar


IMDB Top 250 is a good list for beginners i think. It introduced me to a lot of genres and famous directors. Now that i'm almost done with it i have a much better understanding of what kind of movies i want to watch and what other lists to keep an eye on.

The list has it's flaws but it can't be denied that most movies on it are a must see. There are only a handfull of movies that i had to force myself to finish.
14 years 2 months ago
jbbeebe's avatar


I would take IMDB over TSPDT as well. TSPDT focuses a little too much on art-house, old films, and foreign film for my tastes. Not that I dislike foreign, old, or artsy movies, sometimes I find them hard to digest. Most of the films on the IMDB list are fan favorites, and movies that are basically cultural landmarks (barring the recent pictures such as Shutter Island).
14 years 2 months ago
Xpire's avatar


Umm I'm missing alot of the classics and the more recent stuff, have to start catching up on the latest films.

Also I seem to have missed watching most of the Hitchcock movies umm.
14 years 2 months ago
KatForsyth's avatar


As of today, only 14 users have completed this list! I'm surprised.
(I've got 8 to go, myself, though I did have it completed last year or early this year, briefly).
9 years 6 months ago
ReVision's avatar


Finally Ikiru made it back on the list, where it belongs.
Hopefully other classics will follow soon!
10 years 12 months ago
dombrewer's avatar


This - is - appalling! Seriously. This list used to be a great starting point for people actually interested in getting into cinema beyond the mainstream - with tasters of work by great film-makers unknown to the casual film goer - it introduced me to films that I'd never heard of before when I was looking for something more than the mainstream. With the films nawi has listed below now gone that's a guaranteed decline in film knowledge for the future. A Top 250 films that doesn't include Come and See, Wages of Fear, The Grand Illusion, Les Diaboliques and The Passion of Joan of Arc is not a list worth reading, not to mention wonderful films that exist just below the radar. How are these films expected to get 25,000 votes? I am actually shocked.
11 years 10 months ago
Gershwin's avatar


What happened? Did IMDb change the formula?
11 years 10 months ago
lampadatriste's avatar


Read "dumb" where stampece wrote "male".
12 years 2 months ago
nawi's avatar


12 years 2 months ago
sandun's avatar


12 years 5 months ago
bazuka196's avatar


cool list
12 years 5 months ago
Alias's avatar


If the inclusion of movies on this list (or any list) leads to people seeing movies they love, that is a plus for me. For the rest: who cares. It's just a bloody list.
12 years 11 months ago
StigAnder's avatar


Can any of you with opinions about what should or shouldn't be on this list state why? Because the reason they are there is that a lot of people gave them a high vote. You can't argue against that in my opinion, but I'd like to see you try. And as I have said before, if you don't like every movie on this list, that means you have a taste in movies. Which is by no means a disaster.
12 years 11 months ago
StigAnder's avatar


I've only seen three movies from 2011 personally, none of them even memorable. It's been catch-up season until now for me. I missed Rango in theatres, though.
13 years ago
StigAnder's avatar


Things that were considered flaws in film-making before is now often utilised to tell a story. This and many other problems means that if want to judge a film objectively then you have make a million rules for what a good film is. Pointless and not in the interest of anyone I can think of.
13 years ago

Showing items 541 – 555 of 579

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