Le Schpountz’s Top 500 Favourite Movies (for Helen’s poll)

Le Schpountz’s Top 500 Favourite Movies (for Helen’s poll)'s icon

Created by LeSchpountz.

Favorited 1 time, disliked 0 times, added to 0 watchlists.

My list is in chronologiical order.

Link to the poll: For HelenWelonmelon's Poll: Top 500 Favourite Film Lists

-> Breakdown of the Directors:

12 x Akira Kurosawa

10 x Yasujirô Ozu

9 x Alfred Hitchcock

8 x Fritz Lang, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Quentin Tarantino

7 x Andrei Tarkovsky, Billy Wilder, Jean-Luc Godard, Stanley Kubrick

6 x Ethan & Joel Coen, Federico Fellini, Jean-Pierre Melville, Kar-Wai Wong, Masaki Kobayashi, Michael Powell (hereof 5 x with Emeric Pressburger), Orson Welles

5 x Charles Chaplin, Emeric Pressburger (thereof 5 x with Michael Powell), Ernst Lubitsch, François Truffaut, Howard Hawks, John Ford, Kenji Mizoguchi, Michelangelo Antonioni, Sergio Leone, Wim Wenders

4 x Béla Tarr, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Christopher Nolan, David Lynch, F.W. Murnau, Francis Ford Coppola, Frank Capra, Henri-Georges Clouzot, John Cassavetes, Jules Dassin, Luis Buñuel, Marcel Carné, Mikio Naruse, Satoshi Kon, Sidney Lumet, Takeshi Kitano, Vittorio De Sica

3 x Carol Reed, David Lean, Edward Yang, Helmut Käutner, Hirokazu Koreeda, James Whale, Jean Renoir, John Huston, Louis Malle, Luchino Visconti, Mervyn LeRoy, Otto Preminger, Peter Bogdanovich, Peter Jackson, Preston Sturges, Raoul Walsh, Richard Linklater, Robert Altman, Robert Bresson, Roberto Rossellini, Roman Polanski, Satyajit Ray, Sergei M. Eisenstein, Werner Herzog

2 x Andrzej Wajda, Costa-Gavras, Denys Arcand, Hayao Miyazaki, Hiroshi Teshigahara, Jacques Becker, Jacques Demy, Jean Cocteau, Jerzy Kawalerowicz, John Sturges, Josef von Sternberg, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Joseph Losey, Leo McCarey, Martin Scorsese, Max Ophüls, Mikhail Kalatozov, Ming-liang Tsai, Nicholas Ray, Park Chan-wook, Robert Rodriguez, Sam Peckinpah, Seijun Suzuki, Spike Jonze, Steven Spielberg, Sylvain Chomet, Tomm Moore, Victor Sjöström, Wes Anderson, William A. Wellman, Wojciech Has, Woody Allen

1 x Abel Ferrara, Abel Gance, Agnès Varda, Alain Resnais, Albert Lewin, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Aleksey German, Alex Garland, Alexander Korda, Alexander Mackendrick, Alfonso Cuarón, Andrzej Zulawski, Ang Lee, Arthur Penn, Bernardo Bertolucci, Bernhard Wicki, Blake Edwards, Bong Joon Ho, Bryan Singer, Céline Sciamma, Charles Laughton, Charles Vidor, Charlie Kaufman, Chris Marker, Claude Sautet, Clint Eastwood, Curtis Hanson, Damien Chazelle, David Cronenberg, David Fincher, Denis Villeneuve, Dino Risi, Edgar G. Ulmer, Elem Klimov, Elia Kazan, Elio Petri, Elmar Klos & Ján Kadár, Erich von Stroheim, Ettore Scola, Franklin J. Schaffner, Frantisek Vlácil, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, George Cukor, George Lucas, George Miller, Georges Franju, Gillo Pontecorvo, Giuseppe Tornatore, Gregory La Cava, Grigoriy Chukhray, Henry Selick, Hsiao-Hsien Hou, Ingmar Bergman, Irvin Kershner, Isao Takahata, István Szabó, Jacques Tati, Jacques Tourneur, James McTeigue, Jean Vigo, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Jim Jarmusch, Jirí Menzel, John Boorman, John Boulting, John Frankenheimer, John Landis, Jonathan Demme, Joseph H. Lewis, Julien Duvivier, Kihachi Okamoto, Kim Ki-young, Konstantin Lopushanskiy, Lana & Lilly Wachowski, Larisa Shepitko, Leontine Sagan, Luc Besson, Mamoru Oshii, Marc Allégret, Marcel Pagnol, Marlen Khutsiev, Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack, Michael Curtiz, Michael Radford, Michael Wadleigh, Michel Gondry, Milos Forman, Noah Baumbach, Olivier Assayas, Otakar Vávra, Paul Schrader, Paul Thomas Anderson, Paul Verhoeven, Pedro Almodóvar, Peter Ho-Sun Chan, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, René Clément, Ridley Scott, Rob Reiner, Robert Aldrich, Robert Eggers, Robert Hamer, Robert Siodmak, Robert Wiene, Robert Zemeckis, Rouben Mamoulian, Salvador Simó, Samuel Fuller, Sergei Parajanov, Sergio Corbucci, Sofia Coppola, Stanley Donen, Ted Kotcheff, Terry Gilliam, Theodoros Angelopoulos, Tod Browning, Todd Phillips, Toshiya Fujita, W.S. Van Dyke, William Cameron Menzies, William Friedkin, William Wyler, Wolfgang Petersen, Yves Robert, Zoltán Fábri

-> Breakdown of the decades:

14 x 1920er
47 x 1930er
71 x 1940er
81 x 1950er
92 x 1960er
50 x 1970er
42 x 1980er
41 x 1990er
35 x 2000er
25 x 2010er
2 x 2020er

-> Most represented years:

15 x 1960, 1962
14 x 1959
12 x 1946, 1957, 1966
10 x 1950, 1964
9 x 1931, 1948, 1961, 1965, 1967, 2003
8 x 1944, 1945, 1954, 1955, 2019
7 x 1932, 1939, 1947, 1973, 1976, 1984, 1988, 1994
6 x 1940, 1943, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1963, 1974, 1977, 1981, 2001
5 x 1933, 1938, 1941, 1951, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1979, 1986, 1991, 1992, 1997, 2000

-> Breakdown of the countries:
201 x United States (40,2 %)
70 x France (14,0 %)
57 x Japan (11,4 %)
34 x Italy (6,8 %)
32 x United Kingdom (6,4 %)
26 x Germany (5,2 %)
18 x Soviet Union (3,6 %)
12 x Poland (2,4 %)
7 x Taiwan (1,4 %)
5 x Hong Kong (1,0 %)
5 x Hungary (1,0 %)
5 x Mexico (1,0 %)
4 x Czechoslovakia (0,8 %)
4 x South Korea (0,8 %)
4 x Spain (0,8 %)
3 x India (0,6 %)
3 x Sweden (0,6 %)
2 x Australia (0,4 %)
2 x Canada (0,4 %)
2 x Denmark (0,4 %)
2 x Ireland (0,4 %)
1 x Algeria (0,2 %)
1 x Greece (0,2 %)

In a comparison to my votes for the poll from 2022, the following films from the top 250 at that time unfortunately no longer qualified for the new top 500:

The Crowd (1928, King Vidor, United States)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936, Frank Capra, United States)
Lost Horizon (1937, Frank Capra, United States)
You Can't Take It with You (1938, Frank Capra, United States)
Midnight (1939, Mitchell Leisen, United States)
The Mortal Storm (1940, Frank Borzage, United States)
The Bad and the Beautiful (1952, Vincente Minnelli, United States)
The Magnificent Seven (1960, John Sturges, United States)
Vyssí princip (1960, Jirí Krejcík, Czechoslovakia)

However, these films remain among my favorites.

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  1. 1 new

    Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

    1920 — a.k.a. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, in 30 top lists Check
  2. 2 new


    1921 — a.k.a. The Phantom Carriage, in 16 top lists Check
  3. 3 new

    Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler

    1922 — a.k.a. Dr. Mabuse the Gambler, in 14 top lists Check
  4. 4 new

    Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens

    1922 — a.k.a. Nosferatu, in 28 top lists Check
  5. 5 new

    Der letzte Mann

    1924 — a.k.a. The Last Laugh, in 17 top lists Check
  6. 6 new

    Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache

    1924 — a.k.a. Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge, in 12 top lists Check
  7. 7 new

    Die Nibelungen: Siegfried

    1924, in 12 top lists Check
  8. 8 new


    1924, in 21 top lists Check
  9. 9 new

    Faust: Eine deutsche Volkssage

    1926 — a.k.a. Faust, in 14 top lists Check
  10. 10 new


    1927, in 36 top lists Check
  11. 11 new

    Napoléon vu par Abel Gance

    1927 — a.k.a. Napoleon, in 24 top lists Check
  12. 12 new

    Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans

    1927 — a.k.a. Sunrise, in 35 top lists Check
  13. 13 new

    La passion de Jeanne d'Arc

    1928 — a.k.a. The Passion of Joan of Arc, in 27 top lists Check
  14. 14 new

    The Wind

    1928, in 14 top lists Check
  15. 15 new

    City Lights

    1931, in 34 top lists Check
  16. 16 new

    Die 3 Groschen-Oper

    1931 — a.k.a. The 3 Penny Opera, in 7 top lists Check
  17. 17 new


    1931, in 11 top lists Check
  18. 18 new


    1931, in 18 top lists Check
  19. 19 new

    Little Caesar

    1931, in 10 top lists Check
  20. 20 new

    M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder

    1931 — a.k.a. M, in 35 top lists Check
  21. 21 new

    Mädchen in Uniform

    1931, in 5 top lists Check
  22. 22 new


    1931, in 7 top lists Check
  23. 23 new

    The Public Enemy

    1931, in 13 top lists Check
  24. 24 new


    1932, in 5 top lists Check
  25. 25 new

    I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang

    1932, in 14 top lists Check
  26. 26 new

    Love Me Tonight

    1932, in 11 top lists Check
  27. 27 new


    1932, in 16 top lists Check
  28. 28 new

    Shanghai Express

    1932, in 9 top lists Check
  29. 29 new

    Trouble in Paradise

    1932, in 17 top lists Check
  30. 30 new


    1932, in 18 top lists Check
  31. 31 new

    Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse

    1933 — a.k.a. The Testament of Dr. Mabuse, in 13 top lists Check
  32. 32 new

    Design for Living

    1933, in 6 top lists Check
  33. 33 new

    Gold Diggers of 1933

    1933, in 11 top lists Check
  34. 34 new

    King Kong

    1933, in 26 top lists Check
  35. 35 new

    The Invisible Man

    1933, in 7 top lists Check
  36. 36 new

    It Happened One Night

    1934, in 27 top lists Check
  37. 37 new


    1934, in 21 top lists Check
  38. 38 new

    The Scarlet Empress

    1934, in 12 top lists Check
  39. 39 new

    The Thin Man

    1934, in 14 top lists Check
  40. 40 new

    Bride of Frankenstein

    1935, in 19 top lists Check
  41. 41 new

    The 39 Steps

    1935, in 16 top lists Check
  42. 42 new


    1936, in 5 top lists Check
  43. 43 new

    Modern Times

    1936, in 30 top lists Check
  44. 44 new

    My Man Godfrey

    1936, in 12 top lists Check
  45. 45 new

    Things to Come

    1936, in 8 top lists Check
  46. 46 new

    La grande illusion

    1937 — a.k.a. The Grand Illusion, in 29 top lists Check
  47. 47 new

    Make Way for Tomorrow

    1937, in 16 top lists Check
  48. 48 new

    Pépé le Moko

    1937, in 10 top lists Check
  49. 49 new

    The Awful Truth

    1937, in 15 top lists Check
  50. 50 new

    Aleksandr Nevskiy

    1938 — a.k.a. Alexander Nevsky, in 10 top lists Check
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Last updated on May 30, 2023; source