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Comments 1 - 15 of 20

elgw's avatar


Much beauty in this movie, as well as things that weren't so beautiful. Amazingly told story.
7 years 7 months ago
GremVendetta's avatar


It was like watching an intricate web of lies slowly untangle into a mind-blowing yet satisfying conclusion.

Even from the very beginning, you could practically feel the intense attraction between the two female leads. The direction and the actresses were perfect.

Chan Wook Park never fails to deliver that element of surprise on point. So much respect!
7 years 3 months ago
heat_'s avatar


a signature movie by chan wook park. seals him as a modern time auteur for good...
7 years 6 months ago
chryzsh's avatar


Brilliant direction
7 years 7 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


The Handmaiden is a perfectly-designed thriller by Korean director Chan-wook Park (Oldboy, I'm a Cyborg But That's OK) set in early 20th-Century Japan-controlled Korea. It presents a grand con game in which a swindler posing as a nobleman places his partner in a household as handmaiden to help him get the hand of a rich heiress in marriage. What no one expects is for the heiress and handmaiden to be erotically drawn together. And then the whole film pivots on a pin's head, and it's a testament to the director's ability and attention to detail that the full story slots into place. And then does so again, turning its game on the audience, and presenting, in the end, a mix of lies, truths, sensuality (and indeed, frank sexuality), and perversion. Perhaps suffering from an over-long epilogue, that slow finish is nevertheless necessary to fulfill its theme of escape, freedom and being true to oneself. It's official, three movies into his filmography, I'll now watch anything Chan-wook Park puts out.
7 years 4 months ago
DJBarbi's avatar


This movie is perfectly shaped as the cinematic techniques conquer the general vibe that is created within the storytelling. Chan-Wook Park enlightens the viewers in a 3 crossed drama as the plots unwhirls and until you ultimately discover the real course of action that takes place in the film.
6 years 1 month ago
BlueSharkh's avatar


This film is amazing! The actress who plays Sookie is very talented. I read that it's her first featured movie... what a performance.Brillant.
7 years 1 month ago
accidie's avatar


Work of art. Flawless. The acting was impressive, art direction thorough... Chan-wook Park is a master mind. And I love me some asian sense of humor.
5 years 3 months ago
ucuruju's avatar


The "lesbians don't scissor" meme is just something Film Twitter says whenever a man directs lesbian sex scenes. Anyone who knows at least two lesbians can tell you that a lot of them most definitely scissor. If you don't believe me just ask any gay woman out there-- the answer will be either "yes" or "kinda but not like in the movies" which is another way of saying "yes". Not saying the male gaze doesn't exist or that pornography isn't just male fantasy-- but I'm kinda tired of meme phrases being used as valid criticism, as if the choreography of the sex scenes means this film doesn't understand women who love women.

I watched the extended edition and enjoyed it enormously until the third section when all has already been revealed and comeuppance is at hand. I thought the resolution could have been more impactful if it wasn't so drawn out. Still, I can see why everyone goes crazy for this movie. The twists-- the relationships-- the humor-- the gothic ambience-- the horniness. It's a great film.
2 years 5 months ago
ReginaGeorge's avatar



How many times does this have to be explained? LESBIANS DON'T SCISSOR.
6 years 2 months ago
apetree83's avatar


Regina, I strongly disagree.
3 years 5 months ago
Batnobbit's avatar


7 years 7 months ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


I thought, after watching the first half, that the movie had a plot and skill in directing and scripting, but the movie quickly went into the abyss and fell quickly.

The collapse of the scenario and pushes the viewer into the unknown, which leads him to bewilderment and not to question.

I think that the screenwriter made countless mistakes in making the viewer feel bewildered and confused, not with passion in knowing what will happen.

Was the movie really worth watching eagerly? I think the answer is no. I felt sleepy and went to sleep quickly. The length of the movie's duration contributed to the decrease in rating. It wasn't worth this extension of the film's duration. i was dissapointed.
11 months 3 weeks ago
Emiam's avatar


No masterpiece if you ask me, is on IMDb Top 250 in place #228 when I saw it in June 2019 on SVT Play. But beautiful erotic award-winning Korean / Japanese film in both story, acting & photo.
4 years 12 months ago
Apecas's avatar


The director should have asked for help to portray lesbian love. But anyway beautiful art.
3 years 5 months ago

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