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106 min.
Peter Segal
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1.7% (1:57)
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  1. graves's avatar


    I still like Nicholson but this film is endemic of the early/mid naughties toxic male gaze nonsense that kept the likes of (auteur) Micheal Bay in the business. More than one 'Dick size joke'. Lesbianism (literally adult movie performers. ((not literally but in character))) for the gratification of gawping men, rewarded with more of it later. a dumb fight with Buddhas. A joke about learning disabilities (that being the joke), go-to naughties actress Heather Graham playing a cute girl throwing herself at the main character (it's later revealed she's in on it- not a spoiler, if you're reading this then you 99% chance seen it- but the viewer still sees her in underwear for no real reason except nonsense hollywood.) More jokes about learning disabilities and mental illness- with added sexual references. The final resolution of a very public proposal is specifically important to the main character's development and therefore plot worthy, yet repeats the timeless romcom trope of 'giant gestures of generosity and proclamation' whereby females can't separate with a man and then not forgive them when they're confronted about it in front of thousands of strangers. (In 2017 a man in England lugged a piano into a park and played continuously until his ex-girlfriend took him back. He had to stop because he got punched and realised it had 'failed' as oppose to 'had been super creepy and challenged the agency of a woman and her relationship decisions'. This idiocy was only taught from these types of films. Man meets woman, man does something bad, woman breaks up with man, man does something public and 'romantic', woman goes back to man or is labelled a cold bitch or something. Think John Cusack holding a boombox outside someone's house- creepy as fuck. OJ Simpson bought expensive cars as an apology for beating up Nicole Simpson. That's what this film does, makes you think these things.) The plot's redeeming feature is only that the love interest is involved from the outset, so potentially lessens the force of the above trope. Sandler is only manipulated from the beginning by the only person he loves- for his betterment.
    Adam Sandler thinks a high-pitch voice is comedic. Only Jim Carrey can do dumb irritating things and be funny.
    I always have time for Nicholson but watch Cable Guy instead.
    2 years 2 months ago
  2. RTB's avatar


    that scene always makes me very happy, epic indeed! 13 years 2 months ago
  3. Thedezliest's avatar


    i feel pretty... so pretty..

    13 years 3 months ago
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