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fonz's avatar


Sir Ridley Scott: Harry, I need you to be in my new Blade Runner movie.
Harrison Ford: Are you directing?
Sir Ridley Scott: I'm thinking about it.
Harrison Ford: Don't.
Sir Ridley Scott: Okay. i won't direct, I'll produce. Now can you please be in my movie?
Harrison Ford: Under two conditions.
Sir Ridley Scott: Name it.
Harrison Ford: One. I wear what I'm wearing now.

Sir Ridley Scott looks over Harrison Ford, who is dressed like he's going to work on his boat.

Sir Ridley Scott: Fine.
Harrison Ford: Two. I bring my dog.
Sir Ridley Scott: Sure.
Harrison Ford: Three.
Sir Ridley Scott: You said two conditions.
Harrison Ford: Three. You name the bad guy after my dog, Niander Wallace.
Sir Ridley Scott: The script's already written!
Harrison Ford: Four. You give me all the Jimmy Walker Black I can handle.
Sir Ridley Scott: Anything else?
Harrison Ford: I'll let you know.
6 years 7 months ago
Lupobianco's avatar


Visually stunning and despite its long run time and slow pace, it captivated from start to finish.
A truly worthy sequel to the original Blade Runner as well as to Lars and the Real Girl.
6 years 7 months ago
God's avatar


roger deakins is finally getting that oscar
6 years 7 months ago
Windill's avatar


I would argue that there are a couple of flaws (imperfect casting, doubtful final battle, minor plot issues), but it's a real beauty. Ryan Gosling is perfect. Was made for it.
6 years 7 months ago
mad pigeon's avatar

mad pigeon

This is a movie you won't watch for its narrative qualities, but for stunning cinematography. Although the story is stretched and characters aren't as memorable as you would want them to be, Blade Runner 2049 is visually magnificent picture, total eye candy where every scene is thoroughly crafted, accompanied with amazing soundtrack from Hans Zimmer.
6 years 7 months ago
freks's avatar


WOW. This was incredible
6 years 7 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049 is not, to my mind, the transcendent piece of cinema some would have it be. It is many other, fine, things. A film noir thriller like the original (though visually closer to the director's other sci-fi films, Arrival and Enemy). A reverse Blade Runner, in that the hero is a replicant who may have doubts as to the truth of that. A tribute that doesn't, to my amazement, kill the ambiguities I so love from the first film (despite the participation of some of its stars/characters). A strong action flick with awesome set pieces. A social fable about how we treat minorities. A lesson in cinematography from film legend Roger Deakins. An exercise in world building, pushing the retro future imagined in 1982 by another 30 years. Further questioning of what it means to be human, or just what makes a person "real". Clocking in at nearly 3 hours, there's certainly a lot to unpack. However, it lacked the most of the elliptical qualities of the original, its story-telling more overt and its story beats explained. I felt like the fates of certain characters left me hungry for better resolutions. So in strictly comparing the two films, the original hasn't been dislodged from its exalted place in my appreciation. Taken alone, for what it is, 2049 is still one of the better SF films one is likely to see this year.
6 years 7 months ago
Gordon_Gekko's avatar


A film made for cinema. I'm sure Roger Deakins will win the Oscar.

Visuly outstanding but the plot is a little bit sparse.
6 years 7 months ago
rfma23's avatar


Perfect movie, stunningly shot and well developed plot 10/10. (Gives more clues whether Deckard is a replicant or not)
6 years 7 months ago
georginagg's avatar


Both visually stunning and deeply poetic, this movie will not disappoint those who love Scott's Blade
6 years 7 months ago
julliette's avatar


sci fi masterpiece
6 years 7 months ago
Lord Magus's avatar

Lord Magus

Marry me Denis
6 years 7 months ago
sagesolar's avatar


So refreshing that this wasn't yet another mindless remake/reboot sequel. A visual masterpiece with a well constructed plot. Any nods to the original that were included were subtle and sympathetic to spirit and style of the original. I also felt the ending was very akin to the type of ending provided by the original.
6 years 7 months ago
Griffin's avatar


Great images, great sound, great flow of the movie. However the main plot and the characters are a bit shallow. Some of their motives seemed constructed and did not really get to me.

Am I the only one who thinks Ryan Gosling has the emotional range of a teacup?

Nonetheless I do not regret watching this movie on the big screen.
6 years 7 months ago
SpacedJ's avatar


It's a replicant. It looks the same ... kinda. It sounds the same ... kinda. But there's something not quite right under the surface. Emotionless. Not sure about what it is or what it wants to be. Why did you turn the tortoise on its back BladeRunner2049? Why aren't you helping it?
6 years 7 months ago

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