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Comments 1 - 7 of 7

jmars's avatar


Maddeningly obtuse yet so mesmerizing.
9 years 3 months ago
Carota's avatar


highly unsettling movie.
if you have enough love for haneke, you will love it.
9 years 10 months ago
deadendjob's avatar


A very underrated Haneke film. I love it.
12 years 9 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Michael Haneke's 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance proved to be a dry run for Code Unknown, a similarly fragmentary narrative with harsh interrupting cuts. But while 71 Fragments told us what we were barrelling towards, Code is constantly making us ask how each piece fits into a greater connected story, and withholds a final statement even at the end (a bit too elliptical perhaps). The overall picture, also echoed in smaller moments throughout, is that our actions and inaction, even our general attitudes, have an unseen and unknowable effect on others. Even in Haneke's dissection, we can't see the full picture. A domino starts to fall, but does it really lead to another domino falling down the line? The breakdown in communication is between us and world, causality as mystery. In that context, Juliette Binoche is the villain of the piece. And so maybe you are. Or I am. Even if we're just innocuous balloons on the wind, a child might follow us over the balcony. While answers are intangible, this is nevertheless the most accessible of Haneke's films I've seen, in that there's no shocking mass murder in it (except for the news footage of the conflict in Kosovo). The theme of unknowability is the same, but the film is more subtle.
2 years 5 months ago
heat_'s avatar


May be not his best piece but a nice piece.
6 years 5 months ago
The_Comatorium's avatar



My review
11 years ago
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