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Darth Destroyer's avatar

Darth Destroyer

A visual spectacle!!! And just such an amazing cast!
3 months ago
CarcamanoFerreto's avatar


Instant Certified Classic.
2 months 3 weeks ago
Tidorith's avatar


It was a mistake to shoot The Hobbit as three movies. With Dune, it turns out it was a mistake to try to do it in only two.

Dune: Part One is fantastic. There's very little I would change. Dune: Part Two feels rushed. Not in terms of production value; technically the movie is excellent. Which makes it all the more a shame that the plot feels rushed.

Little in Dune: Part Two has the gravity that it could. spoiler, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, and the spoiler feel like they have enough or close to enough focus allocated to them; they feel well developed.

Most of the rest is reminiscent of the complaints of the final TV season of Game Of Thrones. Everything moves in a straight line very quickly from where the first part leaves off to where the second part "needed" to finish.

Don't mistake me, I like this movie. 3.5 out of 5. Was just somewhat let down after Dune: Part 1.
3 weeks ago
Siskoid's avatar


With the conflict in Gaza boiling over in the news, Dune Part Two of course takes on a certain "current affairs" resonance, but obviously, this was going on even when the original book came out in 1965. Denis Villeneuve didn't set forth to discuss that particular piece of the Middle East's history (not at the pace such movies are made), but he DID set out to make a Dune adaptation for our time, and one grounded in Frank Herbert's actual themes. The old joke, of course, is less aware audiences thinking Dune is a Star Wars riff, but I think Villeneuve amplifies just how Herbert was making an anti-Star Wars, or rather, an anti-Hero's Journey. He was on record saying he hated Campbell's reductive opinion of story-telling, and when you compare Dune to its closest surface analog, Star Wars, which is BLATANTLY working from Campbell's formula, you'll see what I mean. It's not that Paul doesn't want to answer the hero's call - this he fulfills willingly - it's that he refuses the call to become a TYRANT. The character changes made to Chani are the overt voice of this idea, convinced that all this Messiah business is propaganda and that the concept of a Messiah is dangerous and radicalizing (providing the most humor this time around is Javier Bardem's Stilgar, but he's the zealot who brings this idea out the best). Indeed, the "Chosen One" narrative is explicitly propaganda in the book and film, an artificial construct designed to rule through religious fervor. Ultimately, Paul does have to answer the call and we're supposed to take a step back. He's no longer the hero our Campbell/Hollywood-trained minds made him out to be. The novel's purists will hate the changes made (although I think what they did with Alia was clever and made the story more immediate than spreading events over years, but am still not sure why changes were made to the final fight), but I think they're made to speak to the moment (good), or to set up a third chapter (not so good, but let's unpack that). If there is to be a Part Three, which is certain given this one's reception, it will likely have elements of Dune Messiah and Children of Dune (why else secretly cast an adult Alia?), and Part Two's changes do seem to prepare the way for elements in those books in a way the original novel didn't. It does also mean that the film ends with a lack of closure, just like Part One did. Still, these are immaculately constructed films, making some dense material understandable and even, judging from the current meme-frenzy, iconic.
2 months 3 weeks ago
Minamu's avatar


I liked it well enough, probably a 4/5. But it's fascinating to me how almost 3 hours can feel so rushed. Many things were happening too fast and too easy. Paul's mom needed about 2 scenes to become Mother Mary to his Jesus. It's almost as if they could predict the future.
2 months 1 week ago
baraka92's avatar


I still think the first one is a slug that should've been shorter, but now I respect it a little bit more because it laid the ground for what has to be the best sci-fi/fantasy epic since Fury Road

Finally, I get the appeal of Dune. The spirituality, the politics, the conflict, the worms... everything feels so vivid. It takes the principles and beliefs of the characters seriously so it makes you understand them and even feel sorry for some. It's amazing to watch a Hollywood movie that for better or worse acknowledge that religion is important.

Talking about the technical aspect is redundant; it's beautiful to watch and listen. Villeneuve is a craftsman on the level of Nolan or Scott.

I don't know where the story goes from here, but even if they drop the ball with Messiah, I believe this will remain an achievement on its own (don't care about Batman Begins, love The Dark Knight and hate The Dark Knight Rises... it happens).

Somebody has to make a 4 hour edit that includes the essential elements of Part One. I can imagine it having a similar pace to classic epics like Gone with the Wind, Ben-Hur and (obviously!) Lawrence of Arabia.

Anyway... Go watch it now!
2 months 2 weeks ago
CodeV's avatar


I was sure that the second part would be at the same high level, and it was. The same peaceful and confident storytelling while featuring fast-paced, large-scale fight scenes.

The three most important characters here:
1) Zendaya as Chani - from beginning to end of the movie, her emotions reflect the flow of the story
2) Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides - his development as a leader of the Fremen
3) Sandworms - both small and large ones
3 months ago
kanoba's avatar


Lisan al-Gaib!
3 months ago
boulderman's avatar


Great cinematic experience. Preferred it slightly to the first and looking forward to the next one
2 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Just like part 1, movie looks and sounds amazing. Saw the first one at home but really wanted to see this one at the cinema. But just like the first one, left me mostly cold with a high mumbo jumbo story line that makes no sense at various points.

My friend who knows the books filled in some gaps but it really didn't grip me and didn't care about any of the characters.

Still ok, but long, watch. Impressive cast!!!!
2 months 2 weeks ago
Ferneu's avatar


How to improve this movie in 7 easy steps

  • Step #1: punch whoever decided to deviate from the book in the face.
  • Step #2: punch whoever says "but... if you want something 100% faithful, you already have the book" in the face.
  • Step #3: punch whoever decided to cast Zendaya in the face.
  • Step #4: use Zendaya as a club to strike whoever decided to cast Florence Pugh in roles that require someone pretty.
  • Step #5: punch whoever decided to that using bald caps was a good idea. Dude looked like Toad.
  • Step #6: punch whoever decided to deviate from the book in the face again.
  • Step #7: use what you've learned with Pough and apply to the responsible for Anya Taylor-Joy. Then again... abomination! Hum...
2 weeks 6 days ago
Ebbywebby's avatar


It's a quality film worthy of a Best Picture nomination, but I did have plenty of quibbles. If I were to review the film in three words, I'd just say "TOO MUCH ZENDAYA." She had no chemistry with Chalamet and every time she was on screen, I felt like I was watching a kids movie. Terrible choice of actress. And so many heavyweight actors are wasted in small or even miscast roles. For instance, Christopher Walken didn't suit his part. Walken needs a character where he can smile and be a bit devilish, instead of just being dour and old. And I'm never excited by what Chalamet does and am mystified by his superstardom. However, I will admit he came through better than expected at the end when he becomes the messiah and has to turn stentorian and powerful.

Florence Pugh's character was barely developed, and she's a dull actress whom I don't even find attractive. I wish she and Lea Seydoux had switched parts. But with the way the film was scripted, Chalamet being paired up with Pugh at the end just seemed totally random and out of the blue. And Austin Butler was out of his depth — I didn't like him at all. His only inspiration seemed to be Pennywise from "It." Dig deeper.

I guess it's tough to do something with a story where you're in sand the whole time, but the film wasn't all that visually striking by effects-blockbuster standards. Maybe the details of the ships could have been dwelled upon more, or maybe Paul's spice-driven hallucinations could have been more prominent and vivid. The sequences on the B&W planet were more interesting but, there, I kept wrinkling my nose at those giant crowd scenes where the flailing people were so obviously computer creations.

I think the film was hurt by straining to be PG-13. The violence was so avoided and non-explicit that it had little dramatic impact. All these people dying with a single stroke of a bloodless sword. *Swoosh*. He's done. Next.

I can't recall the first part in enough exacting detail to micro-compare my reactions to the two parts. It does seem like the first part wasn't so relentlessly battle-heavy. Fight scenes usually make my attention wander. But I didn't think the film felt overlong, despite its hefty duration.

Strange to see spoiler pop in for just one quick scene. I assume they're planning for a third part where she stars.
1 month 3 weeks ago
BadFluffy's avatar


A disappointment in some major parts. Everything that was problematic in the first one is only getting worse in this one: the pacing, the costumes, the adaptation from the book but most crucially the lack of charisma of Chalamet.
2 months 3 weeks ago
Adherb66's avatar


3 months ago
Cthulhu1's avatar


My favourite part is... spoiler
3 months ago
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