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brian_fuller's avatar


"Not as bad as I expected," seems to be a recurring theme of response to Edge of Tomorrow. Well I don't have money to throw away on intentionally disappointing films.

Based on word of mouth or trusted critics, I decide whether to see a movie (1) in a first-run, 3-D, IMAX theater after a steak, (2) in a $5 second-run house with a box of smuggled Junior Mints, (3) on a scratched DVD borrowed from the library, or (4) interrupted by commercials on broadcast TV. Okay, I employ other nuanced tiers of discernment, but you appreciate the gist of the economic scale.

I paid for three people to watch Edge of Tomorrow in its initial release. No 3-D. No IMAX. I downed an overpriced box of dark chocolate Raisinettes before the previews finished. I watched a man repeat the worst day of his life about fifty times... and I didn't get bored. I saw Tom Cruise play iterations of the same character across a broad spectrum of emotion and thought "okay, he's got some acting chops." I was impressed (but not browbeaten to exhaustion) by character design and FX spectacle. Afterward, I took a family out for burgers and joined in their conversation about time paradoxes, second chances, and the "gamification" of life.

I didn't regret the cost.
9 years 11 months ago
fonz's avatar


"Surprisingly not terrible." That was what I said to the marketing kid who was in charge of capturing everyone's thoughts as we exited out of the advance screening.

Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers with a bit of Aliens thrown in for good measure. A great blend of action and humor that doesn't take itself too seriously.

I believe the common complaint will be that there just was not enough of Bill "Game Over, Man" Paxton.
10 years ago
Maxahlia's avatar


I liked the movie. It repeats one day over and over again, but it didn't feel like it was stuck in itself. The repetitive action scenes managed to not be tiring and they worked nicely with the more meaningful scenes that actually advanced the story. My only complain is the very ending, and by that I mean the last less-than-five minutes. I'm not sure if it made any sense to me spoiler but maybe I'm just overthinking it. Because even with that, the movie was good fun.

Side note: they picked the wrong song for the end credits. Guh.
10 years ago
audiopile's avatar


Was that really Tom Cruise? Far better than I thought it would be, and as a sci-fi action gamer fan I was quite satisfied overall. Honestly though, if I were in that situation I would have rage quit.
9 years 8 months ago
Film Noir World's avatar

Film Noir World

EDGE OF TOMORROW offers a very entertaining transfer of the basic video game premise - you're dead, restart level? - to the big screen.
Liman and Cruise succeed in combining the frustration of redoing a mission over and over again with fun, creativity and yes, even a genuine emotional element.
The action scenes are absolutely spectacular, the design is really impressive, and Tom Cruise is terrific.
10 years ago
aniforprez's avatar


really good movie. entertaining, had a very interesting premise, good aliens and cgi. characters weren't very great though with you only really caring for the two lead protagonists. also the ending let me down a little spoiler. but really action packed with some great moments.

they really should have named it "all you need is kill" from the novel it is based on. edge of tomorrow? too hollywood and cliched. all you need is kill. that sounds badass and awesome.
10 years ago
MightyIlija's avatar


It has an interesting plot,but the cliche ending really brings it down.
9 years 5 months ago
JackBurtonNasGarrasDoMandarim's avatar


9 years 6 months ago
acoltismypassport's avatar


Honestly, I was taken aback by how good it was. I came in expecting a decent action sci-fi flick. It was better than that.

Pleasantly surprised.
9 years 7 months ago
Tezelian's avatar


A very good movie except I was puzzled with the ending.
Even if they used the movie's mechanics and tried to explain the ending over and over again for 10 years I still wouldn't understand it.
9 years 7 months ago
frankqb's avatar


An action movie that made me like action movies again. I haven't seen an action movie that made me think and engaged me non-stop for 2 hours in a very long time. Edge of Tomorrow is that rare thinking-man's movie that makes others pale by comparison.

Groundhog Day meets Stormship Troopers is a fair comparison, but despite a trivial and trite ending that was clearly a hasty re-edit presumably demanded by the studios, it was a great mashup.
9 years 11 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It can certainly be enjoyed by anybody who hasn't immersed themselves in video games, but to the gamer who knows what it's like to fail again and again it will hold a special meaning. The action sequences are enjoyable enough though being things we've seen before. The movie in itself isn't selling the action or the strong character backgrounds but more the interesting concept of the plot. Emily Blunt plays a great role and proves that the strong, hard hitting, silent type can still be a total badass. Probably the best thing about Blunt's character is that they didn't go out of their way to make her the stereotypical attractive-yet-killing-machine type of female character. They wrote her as a tough yet normal soldier with a big reputation and it pays off big time.
9 years 11 months ago
mdclarke's avatar


wears its nods to 'starship troopers' (1997) on its sleeve. very fun, crafted to avoid wanton repetition, with tom cruise at his most engaging. great action pieces, suitable sfx, and a lot to offer those who are willing to suspend disbelief for a little while.
9 years 6 months ago
kaveh_asaadi's avatar


well enjoyed the movie
you'll enjoy too
9 years 9 months ago
Jesus Christ's avatar

Jesus Christ

Nothing new but it was cool. The action scenes were great. Good entertainment.
10 years ago

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