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Furious 7
137 min.
James Wan
Action, Crime, Adventure, Thriller
Rating *
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3.2% (1:31)
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  1. Jace Lightner's avatar

    Jace Lightner

    Despite many great action sequences, this instalment failed to evoke any genuine excitement from me. A typical action movie with no meaningful substance.

    However, the last 10-15 minutes was a beautiful tribute to the late Paul Walker and for me, was the defining moment of the movie. And ultimately, it had no relation to the initial plot!
    9 years ago
  2. Marazmatique's avatar


    I wanted over the top action and cars and I got over the top action and cars. That's as serious and in-depth a review that this movie deserves, imho. 8 years 10 months ago
  3. KuroSawWhat's avatar


    A competent though lesser entry in what has quickly become the chief competitor to Marvel films, with lots of save-the-world/family action, but no superpowers--only super cars! (unless you count The Rock's astounding bulk as a superpower)

    Like the previous several Fast/Furious films, this one is a crime-drama/heist, with barely a nod to its punk racer roots. Oh, and Jason Statham is there! Wow! Unfortunately, he only pops his head up a few times for appearances and doesn't really do anything. What a letdown...

    While the last couple films built expectations for this to stellar levels, having one of the greatest car action sequences ever in Fast Five, and just a good ol' ensemble time in Furious 6, Furious 7 can't hold the momentum.

    All of the action sequences are fantastic, but they are poorly strung together. Early on in a planning scene I found myself feeling like I had missed nearly a minute of exposition, as I couldn't piece together why they were deciding on a certain action, and this happens several times throughout the film. Things happen because they need to happen in order to reach the next action scene, and for little other reason. I know this is a logic-out-the-window type of film, but the last two movies managed to convincingly suspend your disbelief, and this one does not.

    Don't get me wrong. Furious 7 is tons of fun, but it's no Fast Five. This new director hasn't found his feet just yet. We had to endure one not-so-great entry (F&F4) from Justin Lin, as well. Better luck next time.
    9 years 1 month ago
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