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lachyas's avatar


The corporate interference angle of the film is way overdone; a problem that is only exacerbated when you learn that it's almost entirely fictitious. It's clear that Mangold needed an antagonist more involved in the story than Enzo, and the answer is the portrayal of Leo Beebe, a character so hilariously machiavellian that he may as well be wearing a monocle. It's about the level of subtlety you can expect from a film which has such little faith in its audience that it has a character repeatedly exclaim "That means he needs to lap him twice!" during the climax of a race, as if looking directly into the camera and making sure everyone is on the same page.

It's not a bad movie (although that's down to the performances moreso than the script), but it desperately needed a bit more restraint and nuance.
4 years 4 months ago
Szilva's avatar


I’ve watched the premiere at the Zürich Film Festival, the ensemble cast performs exceptionally and the chemistry is vivid between them. The cinematography and the sound mixing phenomenal but the cutting takes the cake! Definitely recommend to check it out once it’s released.
4 years 8 months ago
heat_'s avatar


A tad long but not disturbing at all. A joy to watch. Nice story of a workingman driver. Also was nice to see some sprinkle of business world hypocrisy.
4 years 6 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Ford v Ferrari, as a title, sounds like a damn ad for a car manufacturer, which is why I prefer the European title, Le Mans '66, even if it only tells part of the story. It's thus a pleasant surprise that the film is anti-corporate, baldly stating that the corporate environment is a toxic dick-measuring context anathema to creativity. But what about the other metaphorical dick-measuring contest that is car racing? For our protagonists, there's a purity there that makes them proper heroes, but the two worlds are constantly compared in terms of competition, streamlining, and ethics. I don't drive and can't easily tell one car from the next, but for some reason, I have an affinity for car racing movies. While FvF doesn't come up to the level of my favorite, Grand Prix, it's a strong entry in the genre, less for the racing sequences (which are good, don't get me wrong), than for the characters' chemistry. I love the dynamic between Matt Damon and Christian Bale, of course, but also between Bale and Tracy Letts. There's a lot of humor and poignancy to be had from both, and that's really where the movie lives.
4 years 6 months ago
Emiam's avatar


6 + / 10
Sure, the film is well made, but the first half is a bit slow and it is at its best when the big race goes towards the end in the second half. Slightly overrated if you ask me, even if it's good acting. On the Top 250 list? I can not understand at all as there are many movies that beat this with horse lengths. You see this once.
3 years 3 months ago
soraxtm's avatar


100% american cheese.
2 years 7 months ago
CorPse's avatar


Tracy Letts owns this film.
4 years 6 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Greats real life sports drama. Funny and exciting. Looks and sounds great and very well acted and directed. Really good movie, and I have absolutely nothing with cars or racing.
1 year 11 months ago
airi86ja's avatar


How good is that!!!
Fell in love with Ch. Bale again.
Great story-line, perfectly revealed.
4 years 1 month ago
JHB's avatar


So good that the movie kept going 15 minutes after it already ended!
4 years 3 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Its ok but it's a tad naff with the cliched arsehole office 'baddy'.
4 years 4 months ago
Michael12's avatar


It’s too bad this film isn’t getting much recognition from the award bodies, because it may be my favorite film of the year (Between this and 1917). Not enough movies like Ford V. Ferrari are made anymore: dramatic films with the budget of a Hollywood blockbuster. I will say the film starts off slow, but once we get into everything surrounding Le Mans it’s superb. Matt Damon was great and Christian Bale is getting seriously overlooked when it comes to best actor. Of course I have to mention director James Mangold (Cop Land, 3:10 Yuma, Logan, and now Ford V. Ferrari), who has firmly cemented himself as one of the best directors working today.
4 years 4 months ago
Christian Powell's avatar

Christian Powell

Loved this movie! I just wish in racing movies they would race at the tracks they are supposed to be racing at. Epically one as iconic as Daytona being replaced with Auto Club Speedway in California.
4 years 6 months ago
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