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chunkylefunga's avatar


Finally a decent modern Godzilla movie with an actual storyline.
3 weeks 4 days ago
frankqb's avatar


A real story about dealing with trauma — both personal and societal. The monster works on multiple levels as a metaphor and real literal danger.

Human and emotional, the film nonetheless packs a literal kaiju punch when Godzilla makes his wrath known.

Wonderful cinematography with some impressive shots. Strong performance from the lead.

Loved it. 5 stars.
5 months ago
Cthulhu1's avatar


An amazing giant monster movie -- and I've seen ' em all!

I really felt like a helpless human scrambling to survive against a gigantic, incomprehensible force of nature.

Loved it!
5 months 3 weeks ago
Siskoid's avatar


Though it naturally owes a debt to the 1954 original, it's with confidence that I declare Godzilla Minus One the best Godzilla movie ever made. It's certainly the most emotional, and in a franchise where the human story is often lacking, that's where Minus One shines. This Godzilla, appearing a few years before the original attack, represents the post-war guilt and shame of an entire nation (note how civilians have to stage a kind of Dunkirk as they are abandoned by their own government and the U.S.), but it's also personal to our lead Koichi for whom the big G is his own PTSD. Minus One is crafted like a straight war drama. It just happens to have a giant monster in it, and I've got to say, I don't think I've ever seen this good an effects picture coming out of Asia. It is absolutely gorgeous and more photo-real than the Monarchverse efforts despite their surely having more money to work with. That's because the monster action is doled out in the right proportion, and doesn't mind casting the light of day on the beast. As a 70th Anniversary project is also knows to use the original Godzilla's two themes (which I always miss when absent), recreates the train scene (except this time we're inside it!), and even pays homage to the now-silly oxygen destroyer, but with a plan that feels entirely novel and believable. But again, no matter how well the kaiju stuff works, it's our caring for the cast that makes this work as well as it does, and that's something few if any Godzilla movies have EVER done.
5 months 2 weeks ago
CodeV's avatar


World War II is ended. But it's not end of suffering - ruins, dead relatives, war memories, and the Godzilla...
Best part of the movie are main characters Koichi, Noriko and Akiko who are "almost family".
5 months 3 weeks ago
Fastkit's avatar


Truly epic
6 months ago
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