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121 min.
Milos Forman
Drama, Comedy, Musical
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6.8% (1:15)
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  1. Siskoid's avatar


    Miloš Forman's 1979 adaptation of the stage musical Hair may not be the tightest or best calibrated musical out there - we're jumping in and out of songs brusquely and I don't always feel like I can understand the lyrics as much as I want to - but damn it, I will always respond well to it. It's got a lot of great songs, for one thing, and the cast of characters is engaging and even touching. I was immediately taken by it, especially the tragic finale, when I first saw it on one of those music stations a few decades ago. Watching it now after many, many years, indeed, just as the "OK Boomer" meme has blown up, it exposes the paradox of this particular generation. So full of idealism, so playfully against authority, they would sell out and assert their own authority. Forman already senses this, perhaps, telling the story 10 years after it's set. Its hippies are free spirits who Claude finds "ridiculous", who Sheila falls in with like the character in Pulp's "Common People", who beg money from their parents, and shirk such responsibilities as wives and kids. Is Claude's intent to throw himself into the country's meat grinder any better? Hair celebrates an era, but also points out its failings. And in no way does that make me care less for the characters, laugh less at the funny bits, or feel less affected by its tragedy. 4 years 6 months ago
  2. few visible scars's avatar

    few visible scars

    Really? As someone who could be described as an 'aging hippy', I felt this film was made by someone who wanted to disparage the counter culture, and resort to simplistic stereotypes to do so (The black guy who abandons his wife and kid, fathers another child with another woman and then berates his wife that SHE is the one who 'doesn't get it', Hippies are a bunch of unwashed work shy scroungers).. And sexualy pestering women is fine, because if you persist, they will come to like it? 6 years 9 months ago
  3. IreneAdler's avatar


    It's got something... not among my favorites, but not bad 9 years 8 months ago
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