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15 min.
Documentary, Short
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  1. few visible scars's avatar

    few visible scars

    The link takes us to a 20 min film.. Have I seen the right one?

    I hope so, I'm afraid it's not that interesting.. Lots of rich people arriving to posh hotel and chatting
    9 years 1 month ago
  2. Armoreska's avatar



    Inside the Casino is fitted with the greatest comfort and luxury

    Canteen, Reading Room, Game Room, Dining, Cabaret

    and Kitchens

    Terrace overlooks the most beautiful landscape

    [? Comfort and elegance in the amenities, ?] lovely gardens surrounding the Casino

    The Mayor of Vina del Mar, Manuel Ossa, officially inaugurated the CASINO

    During the lunch offered to attendees

    The Mayor Mr. Ossa was warmly congratulated for cooperation in the construction of the Casino, which will give life and movement to the city

    Casino's night lights

    Fantastic illumination of the fireworks display

    The Casino also has a special site for entertainment of children

    The opening of the Casino was a great social event, which brought to Vina del Mar a lot of visitors, both from the country and from abroad

    A Sunday scene: town parish on Sunday

    The visit of Members of Congress of Mayors. Mayors after a visit to the city of Valparaiso head to Viña del Mar, on the flat road

    President of the Republic, HE Mr. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, received a visit from the Mayors at the Presidential Palace

    City and health resort full of attractive and pleasant diversions and cultures (?) for the traveler

    It is the great center of attraction for Chilean tourism

    also because of its short distance from the Transandine Railway and only ten minutes by cars and trams from the primary port of the country and the Pacific, Valparaiso...

    where luxury liners arrive from Europe and USA

    Reception hosted by HE Mr. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo and his wife, Graciela Letelier Ibanez. Society of port city and Vina del Mar (?)

    Guests are kindly received by Mr. Ibanez and his distinguished wife

    Don Manuel Ossa, current mayor of Vina del Mar

    Some residences and corners of Vina del Mar
    9 years 6 months ago
  3. mysteryfan's avatar


    (@few visible scars), As opposed to the other Brakhage type movies on these lists which are "very interesting"? 5 years 8 months ago
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