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Comments 136 - 150 of 159

GodPepper's avatar


Stop shitting and enjoy. Critic is the pleasure of the non-enjoying viewer.
13 years 6 months ago
Uruloki's avatar


It was a mediocre film and I can easily think of a far better film with the same theme: Paprika.
13 years 10 months ago
Fenring's avatar


uh ah...w8ing...
13 years 10 months ago
Limbesdautomne's avatar


A roller coaster trick reaching remarkable heights of pretentiousness and dullness. It's like having the snow globe without the rosebud.

Read more in French on La Saveur des goƻts amers.
6 years 4 months ago
affie's avatar


One of the greatest and most marvelous movies I've had the pleasure of enjoying with all my heart in my life. It's a real shame for those who can't feel the superbness of this movie the way I do. This movie makes me glad to be alive, to be able have all the senses needed to enjoy it. I would give my life to all the people who've helped create this extraordinary piece of art just to show my appreciation for their work. There is nothing in this life that I can give them to show how much I love them for giving us Inception. The incredibly wondrous feelings Inception has given cannot be explained with mere words. These feelings cannot be explained. My entire being can believe in the world Inception has created. The feeling of hatred almost arises because of those who have the nerve to say that this movie isn't great, almost enough to feel that their lives deserve to be ended for disrespecting this great masterpiece. But that's just me and my extremist thoughts about people who don't understand and experience the phenomenal sensations I get when watching movies like Inception. I love Inception, I would die for Inception, and all those who don't feel the same way are missing out on the feelings of wonder and greatness this definition of perfection has given me.
Christopher Nolan, you are one of the greatest!!
9 years 5 months ago
rakesh's avatar


good movie....[9/10]
10 years 9 months ago
jackiecarola's avatar


I didn't like it at first. It's a movie you don't want to see if you're tired. Too complicated. You have to pay fully attention to every single detail. But have to admit it's very original.
12 years 4 months ago
kodama's avatar


A piece of crap. Innecessarily complex and with a plot that does not have any good sense of continuity. This "kick" thing that's gonna wake you up? It only works when the plot writter wants to or what? Why does Arthur wake up when he is supposed to and not in all of the other bunch of times he "may"?... WTF? The van keeps getting hit with lots of kicks to choose to wake up.
It seems that it only works as it should... Magically.
BTW the story behind Cobb and Mal was great... It's like the first plot was just "we enter a dream, they do things and then they wake up".... But someone at some point thought that doing it more complex, and entering a bunch of levels of dreams, would go for a better movie, even if the plot didn't stand in any way.
12 years 7 months ago
epic_noob's avatar


one of the best movies ever made. How about a sequel now ? :)
12 years 8 months ago
halftome's avatar


best movie ever!!!
12 years 10 months ago
jedi_r's avatar


Best film ever. Haters gonna hate.
13 years ago
akuma587's avatar


Haters gunna hate.
13 years 10 months ago
LMTR14's avatar


overrated as all hell
10 years 7 months ago
Shaav's avatar


i don't get it: what's the deal with this movie? random action stuff, nothing special imo. well, nice visual effects, nice cast, but everything else felt so completely random..
13 years 3 months ago
soapwater's avatar


Wow. Top of the sci/fi list? You have to be shitting me. This piece of shit film wouldn't make my top 100.
13 years 7 months ago

Showing items 136 – 150 of 159

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