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Worzel's avatar


I just completed the IMDb top 250 with this movie and I really enjoyed it, even if the violence was tough to see it was appropriate to tell the true story.
It was a long time ago in those far off vhs days when I printed a hard copy of the list off for my trips to the video store. I was disheartened to see the amount of Indian films enter the list but every one I've seen I've got something from. It's true that they share a certain sentimentality, especially when the music is used on the nose to play up emotions, but that's just a cultural style that one gets used to if you can put aside the prejudices for a while .
This film is an example of one that I came away from feeling a greater empathy with the indigenous "low-caste" abused people portrayed and a gratitude that here is still people genuinely using the law for justice.
...and there's some beautiful cinematography of southern India!
1 year 10 months ago
Boei's avatar


Interesting subject. But the cinematography is over the top in places and thereby the film becomes comedic instead of dramatic.For example the lawyer walking in slow motion to epic music is just ridiculous. Add some overdramatic acting and it's hard to really get the right vibe. Runtime is to long as well..

It's ok, but totally unworthy to the IMDB top 250.
11 months 2 weeks ago
AHALE80's avatar


Excellent movie.
2 years 6 months ago
MMDan's avatar


2 years 7 months ago
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