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Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time
154 min.
Kazuya Tsurumaki, Mahiro Maeda, Katsuichi Nakayama
Action, Drama, Animation, Sci-Fi
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9.8% (1:10)
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  1. Siskoid's avatar


    A lot hinged on Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time (man, these titles). First, on a strict plot basis, it had to explain itself - what was Gendo working towards and why, principally - and pay off all the characters (just how many, I wasn't expecting). It does that. Crisis averted. It also did much much more. Most appreciated is the time we spend in Village 3, showing us better than even in the series, just what we are fighting for. With an apocalyptic finale no doubt sure to come, the quiet before the storm is lovely, bittersweet, and a growth opportunity for the three main pilots. Though the franchise has always been about "growing up", INTO WHAT is what Anno's allowed to change. The original series' ending was oblique, The End of Evangelion's more literal (but no less surreal) version was angry, pessimistic, bleak. Anno is older, more mature, and doesn't want to tell that story anymore. The Rebuild is a tale of hope and redemption, of growing up into a better version of ourselves. Shinji, Rei and Asuka are avatars of that, obviously, but we see it in everyone. If Gendo's scheme is about seeking the evolution of the human race into divine forms, the heroes are rather angling for the evolution of the self. It's all quiet poignant and I found myself tearing up often, despite keeping a certain emotional distance through the first three films. The climax is both apocalyptic special effect like The End, and surreal meditation like the series, and actually subverts the interpretation that Neon Genesis is all in Shinji's head. With 3.0+1.0, Anno says goodbye to his world forever, and so can we, not like the angsty young nihilists we were when the story last ended, but like older, wiser people who see each of the two paths and dare prefer hope to despair. 2 years 9 months ago
  2. Xondar's avatar


    After Evangelion 3.33, I was worried about this one, but they managed to pull it all together in the end for an absolutely brilliant ending. 2 years 9 months ago
  3. Ares Capeta's avatar

    Ares Capeta

    A very satisfying ending indeed, especially the last 30 min.
    I feel pleased.
    2 years 9 months ago
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