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118 min.
Jan Svankmajer
Drama, Animation, Comedy, Horror
Rating *
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12.5% (1:8)
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  1. dombrewer's avatar


    Legendary Czech animator Jan Svankmajer has only made six feature length films to date and all are worth watching, but this must rate as one of his best, mixing together stories by Edgar Allan Poe and the Marquis de Sade and adding his own idiosyncratic style; it produces a unique, hallucinogenic and deeply unsettling horror film.
    We follow Jean, a young man in the present day who has been struggling with violent dreams of lunacy and incarceration his since the death of his mother, who comes under the influence of a man calling himself, and living like, the Marquis de Sade (Jan Triska, in a gleefully over-the-top performance), which leads Jean to the asylum of Dr. Murlloppe, who runs the building with strange, unconventional methods. We discover through the unreliable source of Charlotte, supposedly the good doctor's daughter and one of the nurses that Jean falls in love with and hopes to rescue, that the real doctors are locked in the cellar, tarred and feathered, and the madmen have taken over the asylum. Jean's attempts to restore order end up taking a darker turn and the "13 Treatments" seen on playing cards during the opening credits are brought into play.
    Like any film dealing with madness this one truly teeters on the brink itself, and builds to its inevitable conclusion with all the surrealism and menace of a bad dream. Unlike Svankmajer's other films the animated sections are somewhat less prominent, only appearing as short interludes between scenes, often introducing a new location, where lumps of meat, tongues, eyeballs and skeletal remains frolic to the accompaniment of repetitive jaunty piano music.
    Anyone interested in the darker side of animation, looking for an alternative to the Hollywood concept of horror cinema, or aficionados of Poe or de Sade need look no further. A meaty treat.
    11 years 2 months ago
  2. nymets138's avatar


    Watch it with English subtitles here: 3 years 7 months ago
  3. samoan's avatar


    All I can say about this movie is the stop motion animation was fantastic but not the movie for me. I didn't hate the movie but I didn enjoy it either. I guess Jan Svankmajer doesn't make my kind of movies. I have seen 3 if his so far and all 3 are extremely weird and slow. Greedy Guts was interesting and so far the only of his movies that I thought was good. But still very we weird. With this and Alice, I felt were just too slow and weird to be enjoyable and keep my attention. Perhaps if it was fast paced or shorter I would have enjoyed it more. 3 years ago
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