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143 min.
Sam Mendes
Action, Adventure, Thriller
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5.3% (1:19)
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Top comments

  1. IreneAdler's avatar


    One of my favorite Bond movies - for a number of reasons.

    To begin with, I loved the title song by Adele as well as the video and the point of the story where the song was placed - a perfect start.

    I also loved the many great locations where the movie was shot. The film was visually very attractive (and sometimes also really unusual) in my opinion.

    I also loved Daniel Craig and the way he portrayed Bond in this one, also his conversations with Q (who was just great) about age and other issues. Hilarious and very sweet. But Craig's performance was not even the most fascinating one: Javier Bardem was an absolutely great villain. This was the first time I saw him in a movie - and he WAS the villain, he was so repulsive and mean that I did not trust my eyes when I watched him in an interview later, looking extremely handsome and talking and smiling like the most pleasant person in the world. That's what I call an actor :)

    Berenice Marlohe was an interesting Bond girl and Judi Dench was great as always, as well as Ralph Fiennes.

    All in all, great entertainment, a scary villain and beautiful visual impressions.
    10 years 9 months ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    A film that both pays tribute to the past, re-casting some classic characters from the franchise and winking at past continuity, while simultaneously treating Bond as a pill-popping, alcoholic man haunted by demons, just Casino Royale had some wonderfully done. The franchise is celebrating its 50th anniversary by looking back and looking forward, and by allowing its lead to feel old and passé, so that he can reaffirm his relevance for the next half-century. While there are some great locations and action set pieces, Skyfall actually feels very down to Earth, gritty and intimate. A lot of the action takes place in Britain. The stakes have an international dimension, but are more personal. And if there's a Bond girl here, it's Judi Dench's M. She's never had this big a role before, and it's entirely worth it. It's probably no surprise that Javier Bardem makes a cool Bond villain - he and Craig have plenty of chemistry - and Sam Mendes brings his visual style to bear and makes Skyfall one of the most interesting Bond films to outright analyze. If I'm keeping this short, it's because I don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't yet seen it. This one is important to the future of the franchise, in terms of both character development and incidents. 8 years 11 months ago
  3. frankqb's avatar


    Bond without being Bond. Beautifully coloured frames, action that is slow enough to follow, thematic content. There's a lot to love in this Bond instalment. It's both a big leap forward for the franchise, and a bit of a sidestep incorporating more modern action elements that cast an appropriate thematic and occasionally visual shadow over the proceedings. Roger Deakins is phenomenal as the film's DOP, and the story is one of the most coherent in decades.

    4 stars.
    11 years 6 months ago
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