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sjeiben's avatar


I will not need the help from Doctor Strange to forget this movie.
2 years 2 months ago
SpacedJ's avatar


2 years 2 months ago
baraka92's avatar


It was entertaining and as someone who loves Spider-Man 2, I couldn’t help but smile everytime Maguire and Molina were on screen; but at the end of the day, this is an unremarkable and hollow movie.

First of all, the casting made the whole thing seem very arbitrary. spoiler If they wanted just the villains they should’ve established that. spoiler Their absence led to some possible awkward scenarios. spoiler

The movie as a whole can be described as “Remember this thing! Remember that thing!” to quote Red Letter Media. I don’t know what people that compare it to Into the Spiderverse are watching. Aside from both dealing with a multiverse, they couldn’t be farther from each other. Spiderverse relied on great writing and artistry to tell a compelling story with themes. Yes, there were winks to past interpretations of the characters but those were never at the forefront.

There was a sitcom feel, whenever a "new" character appeared, which might be very appropriate since the filmmaking was already boring and bland; even in the most dramatic moments. As for the action, it was just run of the mill CGI fest. This stuff makes you appreciate the action of Nolan or the Mission Impossible films even more. As is usual for Marvel, none of the images have any resonance. This cost 200 million dollars?

I’d bet good money that guys like Scorsese and Coppola never had an issue with past comic book franchises like Donner's Superman, Burton's Batman , Raimi's Spider-Man or Nolan’s Dark Knight… Heck! Even X-Men from Matthew Vaughn and "that other guy". All of those still resonate with audiences because of their artistic vision and thematic elements. Even the most divisive ones like Batman Returns. But the MCU is just a factory preoccupied with finding more IP’s to exploit and making films that look and feel the same way; all to have people saying what we say on a theme park ride: “Hey! It's that thing”.
2 years 2 months ago
ucuruju's avatar


People rave about Shang-Chi (which I thought was by-the-books mediocre) and Eternals (which I quite liked) as being game-changing, risky endeavors that show Marvel’s willingness to experiment. But -to me- something like this double-size comic-book crossover made glorious blockbuster is much harder to pull off. The stakes are higher: the whole world is watching and people have been waiting years for this (whether they knew it or not). The fact that the movie works is no small feat. How do they do this? By quickly waving away all the stupid contrivances (spells, alternate dimensions, magical gadgets, etc) and focusing on the emotional aspects of the story. The villains aren’t just a problem that has to be solved, but each of them has an arc and a personality which challenges Spiderman’s moral values and makes him question himself. That creates drama, conflict, decisions, ethical conundrums. That makes us care. The unholy amount of fan service (it gets pretty ridiculous) and the expertly handled action scenes (the mirror dimension fight is great, great, great) are just bonuses. Also I loved the ending— it was sweet. Recommended.
2 years 5 months ago
lachyas's avatar


Light on story and memorable dialogue, very heavy on nostalgia and fan service. I was definitely expecting more after all the buzz.
2 years 2 months ago
God's avatar


you know, I'm something of a scientist myself
2 years 2 months ago
Duke of Omnium's avatar

Duke of Omnium

1 year 7 months ago
jipdeluxe's avatar


They stole the fight at the end from Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins!
2 years 3 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Ok nostalgic adventure movie. Good fun to see the old characters but story wise and motivations this movie makes NO sense.
1 year 9 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Somehow, mentioning spoilers for one of the highest-grossing films in history (during the Pandemic, no less) takes the sting out of it, but you've still been warned... spoiler
2 years 5 months ago
maarow's avatar


The first 45 minutes or so of this movie are bad. REALLY bad. Cheesy, dumb writing, terrible acting. Then Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield show up and the filmmakers flip a switch from "bad" to "entertaining". It doesn't touch Raimi's contributions but at least honors them. Garfield gets to go out on a well-deserved high note after a couple of attempts that were not worthy of his portrayal.

I refuse to say this is anything better than "decent", though. It's a good way to spend a few hours. Certainly it isn't some deep, profound story of redemption. CAN SPIDER-MAN FORGIVE GREEN GOBLIN?!?! Of course he can, since Norman Osborne isn't responsible for what he does, so the story isn't really about anything. Don't try to tell me it's a powerful message about forgiveness or some such nonsense.

Go ahead and downvote me, Marvel fans. Your movies are shallow and utterly inconsequential....and instead of demanding depth from them, you shout about how they need to be nominated for Best Picture? Hilarious.
1 year 4 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


In a lot of ways Marvel managed to pull off the impossible with having spoiler share the screen with Tom Holland and some credit is definitely due for that. Biggest issue I had was the incredible amount of CGI and the final battle is mind-numbing at times. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much back when I took the latest Marvel offering super seriously but as the years go by and interest starts to taper off I guess these have just become popcorn movies for me. That being said it was entertaining. Not as good as Far From Home as a whole, despite the rogues gallery cast.
1 year 7 months ago
JG94's avatar


I see Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, I like.
2 years 2 months ago
Ebbywebby's avatar


"Spider-Man: Audience Hand Job." I had low expectations for this film but never dreamed it would be so awful. Even having missed most of the MCU films, I could tell this movie was about nothing but contrived, fan-service callbacks. Hideous. And I'm so embarrassed for talented actors like Benedict Cumberbatch, Willem Dafoe and (especially) J.K. Simmons making fools of themselves for the cash.

This movie is for kids. It softens the story so much that even the villains all have to be troubled and vulnerable inside so the kiddies won't be a-scared of them.
6 months 1 week ago
essaywhu's avatar


A fun movie that really takes advantage of the comic concepts like team-ups and other dimensions. That’s all I can really say. I grew up reading Spider-Man comics and it felt like a cool extension of that. If I was a young kid, I’d probably be blown away. Since I am an adult, these big blockbuster films rarely ever do that anymore.
2 years 1 month ago

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