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chunkylefunga's avatar


Interesting and well though out movie about such a disgusting, ongoing, cover up by the church.

Amazing that in this day and ages the rapists aren't gaoled and simply moved to another parish.
8 years 5 months ago
dchauvin's avatar


Looking at the previous comments I think I'm going to be going against popular opinion here, but I was a little disappointed.

On the plus side:
- well acted across the board (Keaton's accent starts out brash, but quickly blends in)
- direct and faithful to the story: no unnecessary sub-plots, no for-the-sake-of-it romance, didn't need to be graphic or dwell on the sensitive subject matter
- just the right amount of comic relief moments for the subject matter (count of maybe 4..?)

- Ruffalo's "we need to release the story now" speech looks like it came straight out of "Winning an Oscar Acting Nomination for Dummies". Not from the way he delivers it, but the lines, the background noise hushing to zero and the intense dramatic close-up. It was a real cringe over-dramatization moment for me in an otherwise perfectly naturalistic film.
- After watching the film I felt like I hadn't gained anything I could've gotten from reading a corresponding Wikipedia article. Maybe it's just me as a desensitized cynic of Catholicism, but the film didn't shock or suprise, didn't thrill me or hook me, didn't inspire great empathy or sympathy or horror. I don't think a film needs to do any of these things by any means, but in the absence of them I had very little strong opinion or feeling about the film after watching.

Basically I thought this was a good solid film, about an important story needing to be told, but not a great film, and I would be fairly disappointed if Hollywood selects this as the torchbearer for film in 2015 on Feb 28.
8 years 4 months ago
justwannaboogie's avatar


Taut, succinct and well executed. The ending is both moving and satisfying.
8 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Spotlight is a procedural journalism story in the style of All the Presidents Men, about the Boston Globe's investigative team that uncovered the Catholic Church's cover-up of hundreds of its priests' molesting children. While the crimes are horrific, the film retains an intellectual feel that keeps it from dipping into melodrama; it wasn't the kind of thing during which I would well up, except at the very end when a particular "fact card" came up and gut-punchingly brought the whole thing home (no spoilers). With a lot of verisimilitude, no glamorizing, pretty great naturalistic - even anti-filmic - performances from all involved, Spotlight is the kind of film that somehow makes phone calls and paperwork exciting and fills you with apprehension. I think "award" season is well and truly launched.
8 years 6 months ago
Paravail's avatar


It was difficult for me to pinpoint why, exactly, I found this film unsatisfying. I think it ultimately came down to the fact that this film was almost entirely plot. There isn't much characterization, what there is is rather cliched and hollywoodish. I did find the story compelling and necessary, and the larger themes of a community being complicit in evil were well explored. I think what it really came down to was that there was no need to turn this into a drama: this should have been a documentary. The actors and script really didn't add anything to the plot, in my opinion.
8 years 3 months ago
aniforprez's avatar


A good movie, well edited, shot, REALLY well acted and very sobre and absolutely aware of the subject matter it handles and does it with grace, dignity but is still VERY powerful.

7 years 8 months ago
ikkegoemikke's avatar


"They knew and they let it happen! It could've been you, it could've been me, it could've been any of us."


After watching "Concussion", I wondered how former NFL players would react to this film. After seeing "Spotlight", I asked myself whether the clergy had the courage to see this film or not. And also if lessons were drawn from this. Would the Church restore his original role in society? A haven for believers. Its function as middleman between the divine and the Christians. An institution created as a service for the needy, poor and pious. Or would abuses such as addressed in "Spotlight" simply continue to exist? Because lets admit it. The credits at the end of the film are more horrible than the actual film. It shows that the cited case is only a tip of the iceberg.

What's more frightening? Being pursued by a deranged maniac who's wearing a hockey mask and carries a chainsaw? Or being abused by a perverted priest who can't restrain his lust because of a self-imposed celibacy? Perhaps the first is extremely deadly. But the second one causes such a trauma, the victim wishes to encounter such a nut with a chainsaw to release him from his suffering. The things I thoroughly hate are abuse of power, inviolability, breach of trust and covering up criminal offenses by powerful authorities. And that's something common within the church. A little bit too much fooling around with little choirboys? No problem. We'll put you in another parish where you can play shepherd again and watch over some tame sheep. Disgusting.

"Spotlight" reminded me of "All the President's Men" with a young Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford playing Carl Bernstein's and Bob Woodward, two Washington Post journalists who published articles about the Watergate scandal. Also a cover-up. But this one happened on a political level. The only result there was the resignation of president Nixon. The ecclesiastical cover-up made lots of victims. "Spotlight" is a dead serious film with a dead serious, nauseating topic. It's admirable that they didn't let it degenerate into an accusatory film that would unleash a veritable witch-hunt. Needless to say, the main roles are played impressively by Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams and Liev Schreiber. And for once, I was hoping that Ruffalo would briefly change into that green, muscular monster so he would crush a few clerics to the size of a of a host.

More reviews here : http://bit.ly/1KIdQMT
7 years 10 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Spotlight moves methodically through an ever-expanding and frightening series of cases of abusive Catholic priests in Boston. Direct, with little space wasted on grandstanding or calls to action, the film draws you into a web of scandal so fully it's as if the eponymous spotlight was illuminating the film rather than the characters illuminating a scandal.

Performances are excellent though there is some debate over whether Keaton and Ruffalo's accents are great or distracting. There are other transient characters that feel completely like non-actors as well.

With great pacing, the film only makes a few awkward edits, yet Spotlight remains a fascinating look at how a team took on the Catholic Church.

4 stars out of 4
8 years 6 months ago
Panunzio's avatar


A very solid journalistic drama. No frills needed. A great story told well.
6 years 2 months ago
Jashezilla's avatar


I usually really don't enjoy true story films. I mean, sure they're portraying something incredible that people need to see, but I feel like most aren't done too well. But when you get an amazing director and an even more amazing collective group of actors together you get something like Spotlight, something that really opens your eyes and defines the true-story genre.
7 years 5 months ago
Camille Deadpan's avatar

Camille Deadpan

Slovenia isn't a big country so it's pretty noticable when a priest is moved to the other part of the country. But it's the same as everywehere else in the world - nobody does nothing.
8 years 2 months ago
moviefan28's avatar


Shouldn't have just won best picture average film
8 years 3 months ago
scc1972's avatar


A really good movie about a topic that many people don't feel comfortable talking about.
7 years 10 months ago
AlonMiz's avatar


Great! Despite its harsh topic, it gets you into the story quickly.
8 years 2 months ago
Pratsy's avatar


refreshingly understated, Spotlight avoids falling into tired "THIS GOES ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP" clichés
8 years 4 months ago

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