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104 min.
Rachel Talalay
Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
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5.3% (1:19)
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  1. Misantrop's avatar


    An underrated flick based on a comic book. It's very funny and has some great acting from Lori Petty, Naomi Watts and Malcolm McDowell. And the soundtrack is awesome. 12 years 2 months ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    Long before Rachel Talalay was a Doctor Who director of note, she made the frankly underrated Tank Girl movie. I can't claim to be an expert on the comic - I've read a couple of strips, nothing big - and the liberal use of Jamie Hewlett's artwork throughout is 100% cooler than anything caught in live action, but as a quirky, fem-driven, punk Mad Max, it's a lot of fun. I admit, it took me a while to accept Lori Petty in the role, her voice a little too babyish for the character, but once we're out of the somewhat bleak "origin" portion, and she played Tank Girl's insolence as a super-power more and more, I got into it. The girl power and female gaze of this thing would fit today's cinematic landscape, probably better than 1995's, and I love that they go for it and throw in a musical number. There's in fact a lot of musical cred to this thing, from the cool soundtrack supervised by one Courtney Love, to featured roles for Ice-T (who along with Reg E. Cathey, plays a kangaroo warrior) and Iggy Pop (as a perv). It might be worth it just for the many recognizable faces, including an early role for Naomi Watts. Tank Girl's tone is hard to nail down, with the first act a little violent for the cartoonishness that comes later, but it still left me with a satisfied smile. 1 year 9 months ago
  3. TheFace78's avatar


    This was pure fun, Lori Petty as the title character was hilarious (although I could see how someone might find her irritating). The meshing of different styles really worked for me and I particularly loved the short animated sequences. It's such a shame then that the third act had to go and become so formulaic and cliche, you could really tell where the studio had messed with this. Oh well, still a lot of fun and it's always great to see Malcolm Mcdowell hamming it up as a villain. 8 years 11 months ago
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