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107 min.
Steven Spielberg
Action, Animation, Adventure, Mystery, Family
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4.1% (1:25)
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  1. Siskoid's avatar


    A remarkable achievement on many fronts. The animation, of course, is stellar. Water and particle effects are especially convincing, and you'll sometimes feel like it's all actors with prosthetics. Unlike other motion capture animated films (like Beowulf or even The Polar Express), the character work isn't creepy and I found myself liking them a lot. I'm most impressed by the script however. I'm not sure who did what, but I can certainly feel Steven Moffat's assured hand on the plot itself, which manages to merge two disparate Tintin books - The Crab with the Golden Claws and The Secret of the Unicorn - into a single coherent story. He didn't put one on the end of the other, mind you. He actually amalgamated them into a single story. The addition of various original cinematic action and/or cartoony slapstick sequences makes it even more surprising for Tintin fans. Though I knew the basic beats and characters, I never knew what was actually coming next. That cameo by Hergé himself was only the first of my many involuntary grins throughout. If I had one complaint, it's the opening score, which I found lackluster. I'm so over John Williams' work, it's not even funny. 8 years 11 months ago
  2. Rdgz_Dust_Speck's avatar


    Apparently, Steven Spielberg discovered one thing: he can do anything he wants in the world of animation. The action sequences and spoiler are truly inspired.

    I'd like to see another Tintin movie in the near future, just for those entertaining action scenes... sadly, it's far away from happening.
    12 years 1 month ago
  3. danisanna's avatar


    It's a fantastic little adventure film packed with action and humour. Great visuals, great plot. The chase scenes were a bit elaborate and could've been shorter but I did enjoy the film nonetheless.

    Then again ... what else could you expect from a collaboration between Spielberg and Jackson?!

    Looking forward to the second installment!
    10 years 1 month ago
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