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Comments 1 - 15 of 39

TisIsMyBoomstik's avatar


Movie looks great,and has cool "futuristic" designs,but the main story is...for a lack of a better word "childish"
7 years 2 months ago
Videl's avatar


Big Bada BOOM!
12 years 10 months ago
Forzelius's avatar


I could not get on board, maybe it worked back in 1997.
3 years 3 months ago
FellOverAgain22's avatar


10 years 11 months ago
roobin_22's avatar


I really hate those 'good guys can't get shot by multiple bad guys, but bad guys get killed by just one shot' -scenes. I didn't like te rest of the movie either.
11 years ago
CoffinDancr's avatar


It feels like someone dared Besson to make a sci-fi film with two likable leads and surround them with as many obnoxious characters and music and see if it was still watchable.
11 years 3 months ago
EssexMutant's avatar


2 years later, they reused Chris Tucker's character for Jar Jar Binks in The Phantom Menace.
11 years 5 months ago
h3r0n's avatar


This movie was amazing. I have easily seen this movie more than 20 times. Every character in the movie was so vivid and unique.
11 years 8 months ago
MattJRumble's avatar


It was worth it for Gary Oldman.
11 years 8 months ago
jktomas's avatar


I wouldn't say it's a very good film, but I don't hate it. After all, as a kid I used to watch it every week.
13 years 5 months ago
mrpinbert's avatar


A great looking film. Unfortunately I felt the story and the main characters are underdeveloped.
8 years 11 months ago
IreneAdler's avatar


Quite entertaining, some nice visual effects... not bad!
10 years 2 months ago
Jaqo's avatar


This could've easily been one of my favourite sci-fi movies, if it wasn't for one huge irritating factor; Christ Tuckers character Ruby Rod. Otherwise a brilliant movie. One of my favourite Luc Besson-flicks.
11 years 10 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Rewatching it for the first time in a while, I want to break The Fifth Element into its 4 strong elements and 1 weak:
The first element is of course how strongly it manages the Moebius vibe. Some of it is iconic - the city, the diva - but I'd forgotten how Moebiussy the police officers were. Moebius and tall hats, eh?
The second element is the music. I of course remembered the diva's solo - who doesn't? - but to do space opera sci-fi with Middle Eastern sounds gives The Fifth Element a feeling like no other. It of course doesn't stop with a single sound. It's a big universe.
The third element is the weak element, and that's having to conform to Bruce Willis' action presence. The least interesting in the movie, to me, are the blazing guns and smart remarks which seem to have been rewritten to reproduce Die Hard almost to a fault. Event he action scenes seem copied from that august actioner. Korben Dallas' tiny apartment still brings me a lot of joy, however.
The fourth element is the controversial element, which is to say Chris Tucker as Ruby Rhod. Back in 1997 and for many years afterwards, his hyper-comic shock-to-the-system performance felt detrimental to the film. But we've moved on in terms of how much information we can "take", and now he seems quite modern (in other words, avant-garde in 1997). Not to mention his style, prefiguring any kind of non-binary chic we now easily tap into.
The fifth element is how Milla Jovovich just springs into our imaginations as a fully-formed movie star. Leeloo is beautiful, fearless, touching, and a great action hero (her martial arts are way more interesting than Dallas' gunplay). It's really too bad the action movie tropes force her to bed Dallas in the end.
So overall? It feels like this movie could have been made today. The effects are on par with anything being done in the 2020s, and perhaps a little better because of all the practical/creature effects. There's even a consent scene. The Fifth Element endures!
6 months 2 weeks ago
lucafilm's avatar


Really? Silly movie, like some from the 80s but with all the worst in it. Watch something else
3 years 5 months ago

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