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Comments 1 - 15 of 29

urastarburst's avatar


The Green Mile is one hell of a movie. Very thought provoking. I still have chills a few minutes after it ended. I know a movie is really good when I just sit and feel almost paralyzed by such a beautiful piece of art.
8 years 7 months ago
thaisquisito's avatar


RIP Michael Clarke Duncan
11 years 9 months ago
Zolex's avatar


I paused halfway through to talk to a friend of mine, and mentioned that I often like movies with Tom Hanks, but that I seldom find him that good. Now I've found it. In this purely amazing movie, how can a man like himself show so little emotion? Sure, his voice and movement is on spot, but the face is just not there. And for that, which is a huge bummer, it didn't reach it full potential. Close, but not all the way.

9 years 5 months ago
Roxton's avatar


I just saw this movie for the first time... I'm mad at myself for not seeing it before. This movie is truely awesome. Became my favorite movie of all time. Dethroning Black Hawk Down that has been my favorite for years! And I believe that anybody who disliked this movie hasn't understand the movie at all... It's not about supernatural powers or anything... It's about being good, being bad, about justice and love for each other!
11 years 9 months ago
HebrewHammarMan's avatar


I'm born in 1993, and the older I get, the more beautiful this movie becomes. Really, it's an amazing movie. I might be a stinky atheist, but this movie really touches my soul. I get that John Coffee is "JC" like Jesus Christ, but I think this movie works on a humanist level too, and we don't need religion to understand & appreciate this film.
2 years 1 month ago
vivienblue_06's avatar


Its completely different from Shawshank Redemption given that they are from the same creators and I'm glad that you can see some recurring actors in this film. The plot is amazing and it almost made me cry.
10 years 9 months ago
lieuwe-loeki's avatar


ill give this movie a: 9.0
because: the movie lets you see that you don't juts a book by his caver. you can feel the pain of the lead characters like you ware dare.
one of the best movies that will sty with you for a long time.
12 years 6 months ago
Thief's avatar


I'm not that crazy about it. It's not a bad film, but it wasn't very effective with me.
14 years 7 months ago
dippygirl78's avatar


This is such an epic tale, a classic from the best writer in the world Stephen King. I remember reading the book back in the day which was released a few chapters at a time. The film is long and like all 90's movies has a sickly sweet background sound to every emotional scene just in case you. were wondering how to feel. However, a stellar cast and a truly memorable film which is metaphorical from start to finish. Glad I watched it all even though it has a slow pace.
4 years 8 months ago
Polly24's avatar


Powerful story carrying a powerful message about death penalty and all that's wrong with it.
The movie left me with one question: why are some countries still doing this in 2015?
8 years 6 months ago
IreneAdler's avatar


Wonderful movie, very touching at times... really good.
10 years 3 months ago
MoviePit's avatar


John gave life to the movie as well because this was never ending. Watch this with your girl, there's scope for that.
9 years 4 months ago
danisanna's avatar


10 years 7 months ago
BurningRubb3r's avatar


Beautiful movie.
Real cool!
12 years 7 months ago
ChrisCrouch's avatar


12 years 10 months ago

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