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Comments 1 - 15 of 43

mightysparks's avatar


Subtle?? About as subtle as a punch in the face.
12 years 4 months ago
ohellofriend's avatar


Would have been better with out the whole educated white girl saves the helpless black women thing. A tad condescending. I would have liked Aibileen to write the book.
10 years 3 months ago
Cadeicus's avatar


"Eat my shit!"
8 years 9 months ago
Louise_Dietrich's avatar


The Blind Side of 2011. The praise this movie is getting is crazy. This is nothing more than an overlong Lifetime movie with a good cast.
12 years 4 months ago
Jackaloo's avatar


Definitely a testament to how great performances can overcome a simplistic and flawed screenplay
12 years 9 months ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

Great movie, all 5 lead actresses were great, I love Emma in this movie she was very good, Octavia Spencer deserved the oscar that she won.
Bryce Dallas Howard, did such a fantastic job like Jessica Chastain that was also pretty good.
10 years 9 months ago
MrFilmnatic's avatar


I felt like this was trying to be an epic drama but at times descended into triviality.

Though the topic of race relations was obviously prevalent in the film, it wasn't put up to much scrutiny or analysis. A lot of people have been drawing similarities to The Blind Side, which is in some ways true because it refuses to delve into the issue more and the characters are very flat and not prone to change of any kind. The dialogue was also very sparse at times and had a hard time keeping me interested.

That being said, I enjoyed how they did take on another topic more thoroughly, and that's how the lives of suburban mothers rotates solely around gossip and every person seems to be constantly on their guard, waiting to point out something that they find irritating amongst their fellow neighbors. I don't think I've seen a film cover that topic successfully since 2006's Little Children.

There were also some good performances in the film, including those of Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, and--even though her character was very one-dimensional--Bryce Dallas Howard. Thomas Newman's score was also brilliant--prevalent when it needed to be and subtle the rest of the time.

Is it perfect? No. Will it please the wider audiences? Most likely.

12 years 4 months ago
_scylla's avatar


i dont think the poster really embodied the idea of the film. there were a lot of unnecessary scenes, the whole romantic plot was useless, didn't add any character and just made the movie longer than it should have been.
7 years 3 months ago
space1014's avatar


"who we clapping for?"
10 years 3 months ago
kitestrings's avatar


I can't say i disagree with the comments below. This movie has both moved me and made me feel like shit about the human race. I loved Emma Stone in this one, she could definitely use a serious movie to get rid of all the teenage crap she's been in so far, and she really did shine. The Help is an overall good movie, more times inaccurate than real, but with a good story line and great potential. I highly recommend it.
12 years 4 months ago
kellilee's avatar


Conflicted just as I was when I read the book. Comparisons to The Blind Side do not help. Can completely understand some of the outrage towards the book and movie - especially from the African American community. But still marked it as a Favorite. Go figure.
12 years 5 months ago
mi-16evil's avatar


Before I go into my rant I'll just say that there are some really great female performances in this film. Viola Davis especially deserves every award she will likely win this season.

That said, this movie was awful. It is so contrived and cliched. It reeked of the same trappings that "The Blind Side" had. It paints everyone in these cheap, one-dimensional notes that make it so that the audience never has to think or be challenged. There is absolutely no attempt to actually talk about race or race relations at all. It's just another pathetic attempt by white filmmakers to make white audiences feel better about the horrible abuses we inflicted on other races. It's just lazy Oscar bait with good acting.
12 years 5 months ago
WongusAmongus's avatar


The best movie featuring a shit-pie you'll see all year!
12 years 6 months ago
LaureGonzalezC's avatar


Beautiful, heart-warming, touching... I cried and laughed and smile through the whole movie. I watched for Emma Stone and she didn't dissapointed me but the whole cast is just perfect.
12 years 6 months ago
inglourious-basterd's avatar


Touching story and fantastic performances, oh, and the costumes, everything was so beautifully done. I loved it.
12 years 6 months ago

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