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97 min.
Sofia Coppola
Drama, Romance
Rating *
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8.3% (1:12)
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  1. Timec's avatar


    "Good movie, but as always, book was way better."

    Not to get sidetracked, but there are many, many cases where the movie is better than the book (insofar as they can be compared.) In a lot of cases, in fact, a movie so overshadows its book version that most people don't even know that it was based on a book (see: "Rififi," "Vertigo," "Touch of Evil," "The Graduate," "Contempt," "The Manchurian Candidate," "Paths of Glory," "Nights of Cabiria," etc.) Most halfway objective viewers (ie, those who don't systematically prefer the novel form of storytelling over the cinematic form of storytelling) who have read the books and seen the films of those stories think that the film versions are significantly superior. Slightly more controversially, the films of "The Godfather," "The Shining," "Purple Noon," "The Postman Always Rings Twice," "The Silence of the Lambs," "Double Indemnity," "The Maltese Falcon," among others, are significantly better than their novel counterparts.
    12 years 3 months ago
  2. NourNasreldin's avatar


    The Virgin Suicides is the film that made Coppola take the decision to become a director. It
    happened that Coppola read the book and quote “Fell in love with it”. She then heard a movie
    was going to be made out of it and was secretly wishing the filmmakers would do it in a certain
    way as the film was very close to her heart. So, she decided to write her own adaptation of the
    book. She wrote a screenplay just for fun and then somehow convinced the producers to take a
    look at it, stated Coppola in a Youtube interview. After that, the producers were astonished by
    Coppola’s talent and decided to let her direct the movie. The Virgin Suicides is a dark drama
    about five beautiful sisters who live in an American neighborhood to parents that value religion,
    strictness and obedience too much resulting in unthinkable disasters and tragedies. The film portrays the oppression of girls in religious America and centers on teenage suicide.

    The film was moderately successful commercial wise but, it was definitely a start as to what the
    audience should expect from Coppola in the future. It was basically an introduction to her style
    and her way of movie making.
    5 years 7 months ago
  3. Ivar's avatar


    This movie is so mysterious and captivating. I loved it. And the soundtrack by Air on top of it = genius. Really good movie. 7 years 11 months ago
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