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tick, tick... BOOM!
120 min.
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Drama, Comedy, Biography, Musical
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6.0% (1:17)
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  1. boulderman's avatar


    Great performances, music and practically everything. The story revolves about the life and career and the frustration and obstacles that occurred. I felt there were obstacles and frustration in the flow of the film too unfortunately. The pace? The narrative? The songs work well with the narrative, but like Adele not wanting her latest album played on shuffle played on Spotify I felt this could have been more. Good fun, good film, nice songs greatly executed 6/10 2 years 6 months ago
  2. devilsadvocado's avatar


    I went into this having never seen Rent, the play or the movie, but with some peripheral knowledge of Jonathan Larson's story. I was ready to be inspired...

    ...but by the fourth or fifth song, I had to turn it off. This is the great Jonathan Larson's oeuvre? These songs are juvenile, grating, and inane.

    Is Jonathan Larson's genius overblown? I did some Google searching and apparently there are plenty of people in the theater world who believe so. I had no idea. I always assumed he was universally praised and beloved.
    2 years 3 months ago
  3. Siskoid's avatar


    Lin-Manuel Miranda directs Jonathan Larson's tick, tick…BOOM! with the same creativity he brought his big screen adaptation of In the Hights, and it's no obvious thing. The musical was a biographical monologue with Larson himself as the star, often sitting at a piano, with other performers on stage to fill out the music. The adaptation uses that as a framing tale, spinning the stories out into their own realistic, or sometimes fantastic scenes, paying tribute, the same way Larson does aurally, to the music of the late 80s and early 90s. Andrew Garfield is great as Larson himself, trying to get his first musical made - the prescient science-fiction fable Superbia - and experiencing the moments that will inevitably lead to his one big hit, Rent. Though for Miranda, the second-hand means he's working in the genre of biography, his subject is also his writer working in the genre of autobiography, but as filtered through musical theater. The music is fun, the story is poignant in its honesty, and when Miranda wrangles some Broadway luminaries for cameos, theater nerds couldn't help but smile. I'm not a particular fan of Rent myself, but seeing this has made me more appreciative of it. 2 years 6 months ago
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