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Love in Las Vegas
85 min.
George Sidney
Comedy, Musical
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2.9% (1:34)
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  1. baraka92's avatar


    Wait... Who is the star of this movie, again? Seriously, Ann-Margret is a 10 in every regard. 3 years 9 months ago
  2. few visible scars's avatar

    few visible scars

    I guess an Elvis movie is pretty much critic proof, and any one watching it will have decided what they thought of it before it even started.
    As far as I remember this is the only one I've fully watched .. and yes, it lived up (or rather down) to my expectations.
    OK, it's from 'another era', and using today's standards to judge actions is not fair.. but this is still the C20th, and the women are not the younger silly sister from a Jane Austin plot ..
    But even in the 50's to have the lead female a) not know a screwdriver from a wrench, b) Swoon for creepy rich Italian counts that would make Maurice Chevalier look like a respectful man, and c) not take restraining order out on some creep who wouldn't take 'no' as no and keep stalking her 'till she gave in...
    Sorry.. I'm over thinking thinks far to much..
    9 years 4 months ago
  3. Siskoid's avatar


    I am on team Ann-Margret through most of Viva Las Vegas, a better character when she resists Elvis than when she eventually falls for him - funny, a crazy dancer, and a top quality burster of testosterone balloons. Now, an Elvis movie is kind of like a Beach movie. They're effervescent puff pieces, just silly excuses for the leads to sing and dance and have fun. Even so, there's a big tonal problem at the end of the movie that makes it lose whatever points Ann-Margret scored to get it over the average threshold. See, this is ultimately a car racing movie, even if Ann-Margret's character is somewhat desperate to prevent Elvis from putting his life in mortal danger in the Las Vegas Grand Prix (to the point of caricature). And the racing sequences are well done, give or take a little undercranking of the camera, but Ann-Margret was right! This race actually has tragic consequences, but egregiously smash cuts to the happy ending without addressing them! So no matter how good the leads are, or how catchy the songs, you still end on an unacceptable note and a WTF?????? Still, a better tourism video than most. 3 years 8 months ago
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