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Siskoid's avatar


Frank Capra's You Can't Take It With You is in many ways a precursor to his later It's a Wonderful Life, not just because certain scenes (passing the plate around in court, for example), but because it has the same good-hearted, values before greed, utopian community spirit of that holiday classic. In this one, Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur want to get married, but they may have problems integrating their two families. He's a banker and socialite's son, while her family is a group of loud zany artist types of all sorts (not all blood related). A clash is to be expected. The chaotic comedy is a bit loud at times, I'm afraid, but the film does such a good job of introducing its characters that it does charm quite a bit. Lionel Barrymore as Arthur's free-spirited grandfather is really the MVP of the piece, the one who carries the film's values and immense heart, and so everything will be well that ends well, lessons will be learned, and friendship will triumph over ambition. Along the way, I became quite convinced a kitten would make a good paper weight.
5 years 6 months ago
alexfrith's avatar


Am I being too British about this, or is it weird that we're meant to sympathise with a wealthy man who refuses to pay income tax?

But ultimately this adds period charm to an already charming picture.
10 years ago
vladdy's avatar


I think it's truly hilarious.
13 years 2 months ago
ucuruju's avatar


wouldn’t it be nice if life worked out like this?
2 years 2 months ago
Deus's avatar


brilliant! frank capra at hiiis beeest ))
13 years 7 months ago
Ebbywebby's avatar


Never seen so many scene-stealers in one movie, but Edward Arnold ends up taking it all in the end.
5 months ago
dvdllr's avatar


I caught myself really scowling during this movie. I didn't find Grandpa endearing, I found him lazy and selfish. Doesn't pay taxes because he doesn't feel like it. Quit his job because he'd rather be stamp collecting. Faces his problems by ignoring them until they go away. What a jerk.

As for the villains - we'd all love to eat the rich, but come on, these characters were villains because they were rich. How one dimensional. Sure, they showed greedy and classist behavior, but it seemed like a byproduct of their wealth. All the spectators in the court room were just as prejudiced when they turned up their noses at Kirby's offer to pay the fee. What a joke that judge was too. "Who cares about law and order, this family is so gosh-darned endearing!"
8 years 4 months ago
Agent69's avatar


Another Capra saccharine overdose. Not a fan to put it mildly.
13 years 6 months ago
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