ahmetaslan27's comments

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ahmetaslan27's avatar


A childish scenario that prevented me from participating in determining who the killer was?

The first part was dazzling and surprising for those who watched the movie and the fans of movie type of: Who is the killer? The first part presented a group of well-known stars in a different format than the roles they played in previous acting works.

In the second part, I face many challenges: Will the second part be better than the first part, or at least equal to it? Secondly, yes it presents us with a group of stars with beautiful charisma on the screen.

This time, the events of the film take place during the pandemic. This time, the main investigator, the hero of the story, is facing deadly boredom due to him staying at home all the time due to the pandemic and the lockdown. This is what drives him, without hesitation, to participate in one of the games organized by a rich person. This game is to solve a crime, hypothetically a crime that didn't happen in reality. This invitation reaches the investigator and some close friends of this rich person, but during their arrival to the place of the invitation, we begin to discover many mysterious things.

The first is how the friends get to know each other. Each character is completely different from the other character, a rich person, a YouTuber model, a scientist, in addition to a political figure and an investigator. We begin to discover, by starting the conversation from the beginning, that there is a suspicious or unhealthy past for each character, but the most important thing is that it is far from the game and the hypothetical investigation. We begin to discover real crimes in the place of Al-Daghwa, and now everyone is a suspect, and through the story we will learn who the culprit is.

Yes, I am almost certain that the characters of the second part will continue on the same path as the movie of the first part. What I did not like about this movie. Yes, they showed us the motives and reasons, but I could not get behind any motive in them, and in these types of stories, the most beautiful thing is that it shows that you made a mistake about who the murderer is, not Only in deceiving you, but showing you that your deductions were wrong, makes you doubt one or two or three people, and in the end you discover that all your doubts were wrong. In this part, I was not able to doubt anyone.

Yes, it is true, there are many good plots in the scenario, and there is good manipulation, but I cannot be certain that I doubt any character, as if I was waiting and seeing the events for the vision to appear. I could not participate in the game, which is very important in this type of movie. In addition to clarifying things, there were many coincidences to the point of being so ridiculous. The only reason some mysteries and some indicators were discovered is that the character, for some reason, was present at the right time and the right place without any actual intelligence to find the information.

I don't know. I feel that my feelings were confused towards the end of the movie. I would almost describe it as childish ending. the actions of some characters led to the flattening of this movie. The first part was so amazing that it cannot be described.
8 months 1 week ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


amazing, beautiful and shocking movie

I didn't expect that I would like the movie in this way because I have no interest in the singer Elvis Bresley because I have never heard his songs. All I know is that he is a rock and roll legend. I had no interest or any attachment to this character, but the movie made me admire his true personality.

That was so magical with all the beauty of the story and it really hurt my heart. Biographical films about rock stars have something traditional. You see at the beginning of the movies as the hero of the true story he was humble and then you see his rise to the top and his attachment to drugs and his love for women until the end. This movie has this characteristic as well, but the film's direction by Baz Luhrmann was frankly excellent as it had a rhythm The film is fast-paced. It is difficult to take a break between the movie because the rhythm of the film was fast.

Everything was fast until I realized that the story of Elvis could be turned into a series with several episodes, 7 or 8, but when the story was turned into a movie, the events of his life story were transformed into an incredibly fast frame. My eyes were inside the movie as a zoom frame mode following the movie from the first scene to the last scene curiously. The colors were amazing, it was something shiny.
8 months 3 weeks ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


I didn't understand the idea of ​​the movie, there is no story or plot. was it a curse or an environmental disaster, or what, why the sacrifice and on what basis?
10 months ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


Am I the only one getting bored or not? It's probably because I don't like that loud noise :\
10 months 1 week ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


Sometimes you see them as crazy or mentally ill, but they are the cure that keeps you from going crazy if you love them. The movie touched my feelings when I realized that we were the disease that penetrated their bodies and made these angels crazy.
10 months 2 weeks ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


The sequence of events was the reason for repeating the movie and watching it more than once. Never mind if you are not following the history of Hollywood, you will feel weary and bored. 6/10
10 months 2 weeks ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


The course of the new series of Jurassic Park films has become completely different from the old series, lost in the wind and far from the path of success. The story has become weak and lacks events that attract the viewer, and illogical imagination has been introduced excessively, which we are not used to in the old series.
11 months ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


I had no intention of watching the movie, and the only motive for watching the movie was that I chose it at random. I didn't enjoy the movie, to say frankly, there is no motive to give any positive opinions about the movie. It was a black comedy without any fun.
11 months ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


Although the scenario is expected and there is nothing new in it, I enjoyed watching the movie, this type of movie that I can call popcorn movies that you see in the cinema or at home, and this type is fun doesn't require the viewer to think a lot during the show.

Gerard Butler was distinguished. sometimes i forget that he is an actor of action movies and he has similar movies. When you watch the movie, you feel that it is a film in the early 2000s, and this makes you feel that you need to watch this type of movies from time to time. The movie managed to grab my attention because there is a factor of isolation. Isolation in the air while boarding the plane and the problems that occurred during take-off and after landing on the ground, which is the isolation of staying on the island.

Imagine you land the plane in an area controlled by separatists and the killers are people who don't follow the law. This movie has become a kind of survival, which is the struggle for survival, and these movies have a large type of viewers, regardless of the usual plot and the familiar and expected ending.

If i am from the kind of audience whose movies only depend on the plot, I will criticize the movie from beginning to end, but there are sometimes movies that you should watch for fun, like Plane 2023. Cinema is the art of conversation, but it is also an enjoyable experience. Each movie has a specific goal for viewers. This movie is for entertainment purpose.
11 months 1 week ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


Is it the best action movie made by Netflix?

"Extraction" movie is an action movie based on a comic called Ciudad, which is a Spanish word means city.

The story of the movie is about a mercenary who is recruited to rescue a boy who was kidnapped by a very dangerous gang. I saw the advertisement for this movie and said it might be vulgar. You have seen many great action scenes with many explosions, guns and pursuits. Yes, it is a strong movie in terms of performance.

The world surrounding the movie is a poor, cruel, and frightening world that was shown. You see most of the scenes of the film were filmed in the slums of Bangladesh, and some in certain areas in India. It was depicted as a gloomy world with a lot of crime and corruption. The director manages to bring out this world shockingly.

Director Sam Hargrave has a background in action and law, and I have seen similar films directed in this way. The director understands action scenes and knows how to build a powerful moment and hold the viewer's breath in it.

There are some scenes that contributed to the decrease in the evaluation of people. I wanted to explain or explain more about some situations, so that the people's actions would be more logical to the viewer. There were many scenes that were not deep, and some scenes that contained poor and superficial effects and devoid of depth of meanings, such as the movement of smoke.

Chris Hemsworth is an action star, an actual action hero, a powerful action hero, and he carried the film on his shoulders, but he did as the director told him. The director didn't want to expand the deep action scenes. I do not deny that if the shots or the frame were wider and deeper than this, if the cameras used in filming the scenes were farther away, or their movement or vibration while filming the scenes were less than this, these scenes would have become clearer and more impressive.
11 months 1 week ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


How to be Brazilian through Pele's movie?

One of the wonderful movie that are classified in the biographical category. When you watch Pele: Birth of a Legend, you feel a sense of belonging to Brazil because of everyone's love for the legendary star Pele. The director and screenwriter made us feel that we belong to this story that is told through the film.

The story revolves around a person named Pele, and the difficult experiences he went through in his life, including hardship and poverty for him and his miserable family, until he reached the Pele we know now. What impressed me more about the film than Pele's directing is that the director was able to produce impressive sports clips. The performance of the actors was good, especially the little Pele, who was skilled in his acting performance.

A great person like Pele Many people don't know that Pele went through harsh experiences until he reached Pele who we know now. He grew up in a poor family, and the film showed us the extent of the suffering that Pele was in until he arrived from Santos to the national team. I liked the Brazilian samba music, which gave the viewer stimulation and made him feel that he was Brazilian.

I felt the passion watching one shot after another. I was hooked from the first shot.
11 months 2 weeks ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


I thought, after watching the first half, that the movie had a plot and skill in directing and scripting, but the movie quickly went into the abyss and fell quickly.

The collapse of the scenario and pushes the viewer into the unknown, which leads him to bewilderment and not to question.

I think that the screenwriter made countless mistakes in making the viewer feel bewildered and confused, not with passion in knowing what will happen.

Was the movie really worth watching eagerly? I think the answer is no. I felt sleepy and went to sleep quickly. The length of the movie's duration contributed to the decrease in rating. It wasn't worth this extension of the film's duration. i was dissapointed.
11 months 2 weeks ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


I haven't seen a dramatic movie that talks so clearly about the Black Panther Party, clearly its chief and its members are the conspiracy that was hatched by party members.

The movie talks about the rise and fall of the Black Panther movement. If you are a fan of dramatic films with a flavor of documentaries, you should watch the movie. For a period almost centuries ago, Americans with black skin suffered from obtaining their rights, and this was also forbidden to be reflected in a dramatic, dramatic or documentary film. In America on the issue of racism and addressing it, perhaps because of the demonstrations that took place in America after the killing of George Floyd by the American company and the return of racism again to the American street.

The film begins in 1969, one year after the assassination of Martin Luther King, King. This assassination changed many of the party's priorities and its goal became the overthrow of the US government by announcing the revolutionary struggle. That is why President Nixon decided during this period to eliminate the party by all possible means, legal and illegal.

Many American artists sympathized with the Black Panther Party during this period. For example, the artist Jude Fonda visited the party's headquarters and declared her support for the party. Even the international star Marlin Brendo gave a speech to a large gathering of party members.

Judas and the Black Messiah What is meant metaphorically by Judas in the movie is Bill O'Neal and the Black Messiah is Fred Hampton, and in general it is a projection of the story of Judas' betrayal of Christ and his handing over to the Jews.

Contrary to the image that we see in other films that talk about racism against blacks, the film didn't attack white people, but rather attacked certain American institutions. The movie tried to tell the story honestly without distorting history. We saw white groups join the Black Panther Party, and here the traditional form of this type of film was broken. There is no real conflict between whites and blacks.

There are a lot of revolutionary poetry and social justice, but the script was formulated correctly. The movie did not make us feel like a show movie, but rather it was a logical narration without adding spices. The story was told through the villain or the hero, and this added a new dimension to the movie. The film's director, Shaka King, performed a classy tribute to black women through the character of Deborah Johnson, and we saw how women help the men of the party in thought, knowledge, and armed struggle.

The performance of the actors in general was remarkable and worthy of appreciation, and there was a very beautiful harmony between the characters. Daniel Kaluuya performed the character of Fred Hampton with utmost brilliance and deserved the Golden Globe Award well deserved, as well as the wonderful performance of LaKeith Stanfield, which showed the contradictions of the traitor Bill O'Neal.

The characters I was most impressed with are Bill O'Neal, his looks are full of fear, anxiety, and a sense of shame, especially since Fred Hampton does not know his betrayal. Really It is one of the most successful movies in 2021
11 months 2 weeks ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


The UPS network is a television network that suffers from a lack of viewership. This led to the layoff of a group of their employees, including the great media night news presenter, Howard Beale, and this led to the events of a psychological impact on Beale, so he promised that he would commit suicide in front of the camera the next day.

The conditions and conditions of the network changed after Beale's decision to commit suicide in front of the camera the next day. The film takes us through the changes that occur to the network after this incident. How did Howard get the situation to the brink, how does the network deal with the crisis, and how do they benefit from the incident, or in a more correct, how do they exploit it to increase the number of views and return the network to the most powerful television network in America.

The film focuses on 4 characters, the first character is Diana Christensen, a character who doesn't care about high principles in the media and tries in various ways to do anything, even if it is bad, in order to make the network gain more views, a character that surprises you a lot because of her orientations. The second character is Howard Beale and the internal factors that led him to stand in front of the camera, fragile and mind-bending. Is it personal or is the network related?

The third character, who are the members of the network and the fate of the company, what are the things they will do in order to save the network from collapse and raise viewing rates and ratings, even if at the expense of harming others, literally anything?

The last character is the viewers. How do they want to attract viewers to the network as long as possible to ensure higher profits and the viewer to stay for as long as possible? This requires many things that you will see in the movie.

What I liked about the film is that the film was able to mock companies, criticize societies, and focus on the weakness of people through its story and not through direct messages. The highest number of views.

What we see now in the media in the 21st century, we see that this is true, although the film says that it is based on fictional events. How do the minds of the media founders play with the minds of the viewers through the television screens that reach every home? It was formulated well. Are people only looking for entertainment, even if it is at the expense of harming others? All these ideas and questions are employed in a coherent story and seen through its complex characters.
11 months 3 weeks ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


There is nothing to dazzle with the DC Universe in the year 2022

If you decide not to enter this movie into the cinemas, you will not miss except two things. The first is a very impressive Post Credit Scene, and the second is the opportunity to see the largest group of characters that look like hell.

It is the 11th film between the extended DC universe films and the only movie from this world that will be shown in 2022, in addition to the Batman 2022 movie, which shows events that don't take place in the universe that exists inside The Black Adam. As for the superheroes and comic book films in general, this film is considered the fourth for the year 2022.

This is generally true for super hero films, comic books, and things like that. The year 2022 didn't get anything remarkable for fans of this type of movie. I see it as a year that is not remarkable for this type of movie. The events focused on the character of Black Adam, who has a relationship in one way or another, and who is an extension of the personality of Shazam, which we saw within the DC world.

The events revolve around Black Adams, which is the new name that was given to him, and he is the protector of the city of Kahndaq, and he was in a stable state for 5,000 years, but he returns to modern times to fight a number of mercenaries who took control of the city called Intergang and continuously plundered the city's resources.

Black Adam's personality and methods of dealing with enemies do not apply to superheroes because he is violent and bloody, and these methods attract the attention of Amanda Waller, especially since his strength is very strong because he is considered a hero with very exceptional superpowers because his strength extends from the same source as the power of Shazam. That's why Amanda Waller decided to summon the Justice Society to capture Black Addams and control his powers.

My expectations for the Black Adams movie were medium to low. I didn't have high hopes before I watched the movie. It's probably due to DC's recent reliance on hilarious films with entertaining content, whose essence is devoid of epic content and bloated drama, which also doesn't contain things that don't. It dosent have anymore to make the viewer is shocked or surprised, and it is also not a condition that the film contains an artist with extensive talent in the world of acting. I'm not talking about actors specifically, I'm talking about superheroes, although it might apply to actors as well.

When I found out that The Rock is playing the role, I set my expectations in this place, which is that there is nothing new in this movie that makes you dazzled by it.
11 months 3 weeks ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


The movie tries to convey the horrors of injustice, investigation, and rulings under the pretext of emergency laws and terrorism, but the details of these laws make us laugh by today's standards, even not when the film was shown in 1993. The film exposes us to the shock that the terrorism law at this time could have exposed any innocent person for 7 days without charge, and I believe that it is still present in many countless countries on the globe.

The film talks about the true story of the Quartet of Guildford and the Seven of Maguire, a very painful human rights story whose chapters begin with the arrest of the Irish young man Gerry Conlon in England and accusing him, along with three others, of carrying out a terrorist attack to bomb a bar in Guildford.

Although Jerry is reckless and has criminal tendencies already, but through the events of the film we realize that Jerry and those with him are innocent, but the investigation and interrogation process shows that it has many impurities and corruption in how to accuse these innocent people.

In the Name of the Father, on the surface, talks about justice and the feeling of oppression in the face of injustice. The events of the film are dramatic, revolving around other topics, the most important of which is the relationship between the son and the father and how it develops, as well as how an ugly place such as prison can constitute an opportunity for Jerry to mature in a way that would not have happened if he had not been subjected to injustice.

The multiplicity and diversity of the dimensions of the film, in addition to manifestations outside the capabilities of the planet in two scenes and the performance of two actors, who gave the film great importance and a special place for me.

If there was an Oscar for best acting duo, the Daniel Day-Lewis and Pete Postlethwaite partnership would have given them.

The character of Giuseppe Conlon has no faults. Even the story of his name, which allowed a wonderful scene to be told, was charming and incredible. He had a strange state of coherence in light of the circumstances in which he was, and in light of his background full of downwardness, which made him follow the rules and laws strictly so as not to violate the law. This flatness made his son Jerry view him as a weakness. But when Jerry realized when he tested himself in facing the same challenges his father faced, he saw his father, Giuseppe Conlon, gain ground and respect in every situation.

This movie is incredibly wonderful. It dazzled me and made me follow the events without getting bored.

1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


A good kind of mystery

A security operation through which a large number of corpses are explored reveals that there is a cartel war rising on the horizon, but in a hidden way, and ends with the formation of a team to eliminate the cartel in Mexico and target the big heads.

The film focuses on the points of view of 3 people in the direction of the case, the first is Kate, a beginner who follows the laws strictly and considers that the mission is a moral responsibility, the second is Alejandro as Benicio Del Toro, who is experienced with mysterious intentions, and the third is Silvio (asiliano Maxim Hernandez), the Mexican policeman on his mission own.

All of these personalities have their own side, who pulls the other into his world, and who is the correct point of view among them. The film focuses on questions and personalities, not events, in order to reach the Mexican cartel. Each character has a special direction to reach the goal, and this makes their opposing ideas cause a sharp collision between order and chaos, and between formulas that allow bad action and the fine line between good and evil.

The film's opposing characters gave the film a mystery and made us wonder what exactly is happening and why it is implemented in this way. Then we quickly get to know the characters, but they are opposite through their actions and reactions. With these details, the director and writer were able to communicate their point of view to the viewer, and it was three things: how and when does information reach the viewer How do they hide this information, how do they benefit from this concealment, and finally how is tension built.

Are Kate right or Matt and Alejandro right? Those who made Kate a marginalized role, so why did they choose her from the beginning until she abused her reactions, as if they were deliberately provoking her? We see the words of Matt and Alejandro and their side conversations, as well as their planning and movements with the mission and Kate, and we do not know what is happening, but when the information reached us, it reached us without value, as if they were taking advantage of Kate's ignorance and her presence for goals, but she is in the first place These targets are unknown.

These vague goals are considered a problem in the subtraction, because when the viewer is not aware of what is happening, the matter becomes blurry and the events are considered vague, but Kate, since she is the character, has the same problem as the viewer, so she became a source of strength and is the basis of the course of the movie. It was wonderful when you see a mystery of this kind.
1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


Whoever brings Sidney Sweeney into this movie, she's incredibly gorgeous and carries such dramatic work on her shoulders 6/10
1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


This idea has been repeated in many films, but it remains my favorite genre 8/10 :))
1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


The struggle of women in the 70th of the last century

To what extent can a simple social story and a familiar family problem such as separation or divorce. To what extent can it represent and reflect the condition of an entire society, the culture and morals of this society, and the social changes that occur to it. The events of the film tell about the story of the divorce and struggle of the Kramer couple over the custody of their child, which reflected in its essence the social and cultural change in American society during the seventies of the last century.

In 1979, the American social film Kramer vs. Kramer This film won good reviews, including an Academy Award. It is a reflection of the changes that took place in the family and in women's choices after widespread demands and protest movements in the United States of America in the sixties of the last century. Part of these demands was related to the call for women's liberation and the struggle for equality.

After the round of conflict, the woman came out strong, and a measure of her rights were taken away. She also became economically independent and self-reliant, and the door of her ambitions was wide open, and she turned from a subordinate to an equal. Certainly, all these changes had to find their reflection on people's daily lives, on the woman's relationship with the man, and on the arrangement of women's priorities in terms of family and life, as yesterday the family was at the top of the list of American women's priorities, but after this cultural and social transformation, we see that the ambition of some women as Kramer's wife It is what settles at the top of her priorities now.

And as the wife Kramer is the strongest and most economically able, she takes custody of the son from the father without regard to whether this behavior is in the best interests of the son or not.

I was affected by what Kramer's wife did, which is that she was faced with two difficult choices, either to take care of the son, or to continue what she had achieved in her work. Unfortunately, it was prescribed for a woman to sacrifice everything. 7/10
1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


See, Father, sinners also have a soul! 7/10
1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


The impact of losing friends during the battle in a sudden, brutal and realistic way. What I liked the most about the movie is the war aspect. My body shivered many times while watching it, because you usually see in traditional war movies you often find plans, strategies, battles and heroic stances, but this movie is like (1917 movie at 2019). We live with simple soldiers in the battle. The movie tells us the details of the horrors of the battle experienced by every soldier.

The movie succeeded in demonizing wars and war leaders, and at the same time humanizing all the soldiers present in wars. 9/10
1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


I will make the world mute if I feel disturbed
1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


When women talk, you just have to listen and then stand up out of respect for her because she bears enough worries. Most of the movie, if I did not say all of it, was dialogues and there are no events on the ground because the director and the scriptwriters realize that when a woman stands unable to do something, she doesn't stop talking. She talks a lot to find a way out of her worries and sorrows
1 year 1 month ago
ahmetaslan27's avatar


It is just a diary of a teenage girl
1 year 1 month ago

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