Joschi's comments

Comments 1 - 25 of 91

Joschi's avatar


There's nothing subtle about the toxicity of that workplace. Voicing concerns over sexual exploitation is prohibited and may result in losing your job.

Everyone knows what is going on, but they all pretend like they don't. If you want to work at that workplace, you have to do the same. If that's what you mean with "going with the flow", then yes, you have sucessfully become a toxic person yourself.
3 years ago
Joschi's avatar

3 years 4 months ago
Joschi's avatar


Amos Vogel:
A provocative and thought-out portrayal of a stubborn, yet inventive one-man-war against an atomic plant. Cautious and understated, this is one of the few truly mind-bending and lively political films of the last few years. Both sides were heard, but the director's sympathies are plain.
3 years 4 months ago
Joschi's avatar


Watchable here
3 years 4 months ago
Joschi's avatar


This could have been an excellent parody of sorts, if it weren't for the the seriousness that proclaims the (local) media business will do anything for ratings and characters such as portrayed here will be cherished by such an environment.

However, if you enjoy a good ride with explosions and unmotivated psycho action and hoped for "American Psycho" to go all bonkers, this might be it for you.

Gyllenhaal's performance stand out, the dialogue is witty at times, but the overall timing is dull and the sudden shifts from serious social critique to parody of genre conventions and stereotypes feels awkward.

A great (and better) companion piece would be "Snake Eyes" by De Palma. De Palma is more intrested in the homosocial bonds, which in Gilroys piece are set up reversed. In Nightcrawler the bond between man and woman are broken down to the essential parts: sex against power. For Gyllenhaal men are ammunition and potential steps on the ladder to success, whereas the central female character (Rene Russo) is a source of desire, which can be possessed by domination.

Where De Palma's take played out the male-to-male bond and the transfer of power, Gilroy's film thematized the absorption and maintenance of power by force.

The movie utterly fails by attributing fun and suspense to his critique of male dominance, media saturation and spectatorship. Whenever cars explode, citizens are killed or corpses filmed, Gilroy switches from the intradiegetic camera to a more objective point of view. Gilroy himself is victim to cinematic conventions which force him to show the cruelties he tries to condemn.

The worst part is Russo's assistant who enters the screen every twenty minutes to preach about the ethics of filming victims of crime, whereto Russo usually turns to the camera and screams into the camera "I don't care about ethics! I KILLED AND ATE BAMBI'S MOM!"
9 years 6 months ago
Joschi's avatar


Here you go:

I am planning on updating this soon. I will also add links in the description!
9 years 6 months ago
Joschi's avatar


The Filmmuseum has a 35mm copy which runs 145 minutes. I have no idea where they took the remaining 6 minutes from. The copy seemed to be pretty complete.
9 years 7 months ago
Joschi's avatar


Thank you. I was thinking about a DVD list as well, although my main objective was to have a credible list of the new releases that are worthwhile. Maybe sometime in the future, though.
10 years 9 months ago
Joschi's avatar


@dchauvin: The website reviews movies that are considered to be "weird". Some movies get approved, some get rejected. This project started in 2008, which makes about 37 films a year that get approved. It will take about 6 more years to get to 366 movies.

@SkilledLunatic: Users can submit weird movies and they will check whether to adopt that movie or not. Every suggestion will be checked individually. According to the pipeline ( Videodrome will be reviewed within the next year (estimated). I am quite confident, that it will make the cut.
10 years 9 months ago
Joschi's avatar


Why does the ending ruin anything? It's rather fitting.

10 years 11 months ago
Joschi's avatar


@Public Enemy: It is called Inflation. It makes sense.
10 years 11 months ago
Joschi's avatar


It’s fitting (though entirely coincidental) that this piece on The Rapture, a movie about end times, will be my last New Cult Canon entry. After 15 years at The A.V. Club, I’ve resigned my post as Film Editor and will move on to something else after tomorrow. When I began this column back in February 2008 with Donnie Darko, the idea was to pay homage to Danny Peary’s three Cult Movies books by picking up where he left off and exploring “The Classics, The Sleepers, The Weird and The Wonderful” (his words) from 1987 to the present. Peary’s books were foundational reading for a young cinephile like me, well before the Internet existed, and I hope some of you were inspired to play along at home. When I started the column, I certainly never dreamed that the series would find a home in the real world, at places like the Music Box Theatre in Chicago and 92YTribeca in New York, and it’s been a particular pleasure to bring these movies out in front of an audience, the way they were always meant to be seen. (And in many cases, never were during their original release.)

On a broader note, I’d like to thank all of you for reading and arguing with me all these years, and I hope we can reconnect down the line. Some writers keep away from comment boards, but I think it’s important to put your work in front of the firing squad. You learn a lot you didn’t know, you develop thicker skin, and if you’re going to dish out criticism, you should be okay with taking it, too. Thanks to all my A.V. Club colleagues, past and present, for working so hard and so passionately to build something special, and for the memories and lifelong friendships I take with me. Oh, and before I go: Please turn the motion-smoothing function off on your TV sets. And your friends’ and parents’ sets, too, when they leave the room. Then break into a few homes and change the settings there, too. Consider yourself a pop-culture missionary, doing the Lord’s work
11 years 1 month ago
Joschi's avatar


This last season was just perfect.
11 years 4 months ago
Joschi's avatar


It's a running gag from the Tv Show "Futurama".

Rather a joke for fanboys than a good short film. I love the show, but this should not be on this list.

This might get a lot of 10-star rankings, because Hypnotoad commands everyone to do so.
11 years 10 months ago
Joschi's avatar


The movie tries too hard to stick to the original source which results in a cheesy adaption. Worthwhile, but read the manga first.
11 years 11 months ago
Joschi's avatar


Devasting and depressing.
11 years 11 months ago
Joschi's avatar


The guy stealing the clock...

Not sure whether creepy or funny.
12 years ago
Joschi's avatar


Great movie.

From start to finish.
12 years ago
Joschi's avatar


It reminded me of the fairy tales of Oscar Wilde, which could be told in two sentences each. What makes them beautiful is their repetitive style and the general idea of a metaphorical frame story.

And after all Trier always hinted that these "Golden heart films" are connected to the fairy tail world. I have never seen a movie that adapted this genre of literature in such a compelling and pleasing way.
12 years 1 month ago
Joschi's avatar


@george4mon: That is actually not true. By setting everything to private your activity streams becomes empty, but it is still there.

Setting your list activity to private will make it disappear for the public. Making your checks private means being kicked out of the rankings.

Additionally that won't change anything about other people's profiles and the movie pages.

Edit: Thumbs up for monty's comment. Great site, great forum!
12 years 1 month ago
Joschi's avatar


I think the feature is a cool idea.

The implementation of the "Activity" tab is great.
One can easily change the Privacy settings and that is fine with me.

BUT why do we have to see these streams on the main page of ICM and every profile? Just switch those back to normal or give an opportunity to select between the old and the new layout. That would be great!

Thanks for your hard work!
12 years 1 month ago
Joschi's avatar


It was added by mistake, because there is another list by the AV Club called "The New Cult Canon".
12 years 2 months ago
Joschi's avatar


I am waiting for the moment when these sentences stop making sense from start to Finnish.
12 years 2 months ago

Showing items 1 – 25 of 91

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