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iCheckMovies allows you to check many different top lists, ranging from the all-time top 250 movies to the best science-fiction movies. Please select the top list you are interested in, which will show you the movies in that list, and you can start checking them!

  1. Apocryphally Weird -'s icon

    Apocryphally Weird -

    Favs/dislikes: 10:1. Films featured in's Apocryphally Weird list which follows their [url=]Certified list[/url]
  2. Rate Your Music Top 1000's icon

    Rate Your Music Top 1000

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Top 1000 films on Latest update: December 2021. I've decided not to update as their new weighting disproportionately favours obscure films. A film with a score of 4.22 from 73 votes places higher than one with 4.06 from 5530. Missing: 438. Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler Part 2: Inferno (1922) - listed as one film on IMDb
  3. Weird Horror - Matchboxcineclub's icon

    Weird Horror - Matchboxcineclub

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0.
  4. 500 <400's icon

    500 <400

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  5. Some films's icon

    Some films

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The Wind Du rififi chez les hommes ¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto? City Lights Persona Distant Voices, Still Lives L'année dernière à Marienbad A Separation The Asphalt Jungle Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse
  6. Tilda Swinton Features's icon

    Tilda Swinton Features

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Doesn't included documentaries, television or shorts, but does include voice work. Let me know of mistakes.
  7. 1920s russa03's icon

    1920s russa03

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  8. 2020s's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  9. Delphine Seyrig Features's icon

    Delphine Seyrig Features

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Doesn't included documentaries, television or shorts, but does include voice work.
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