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Comments 31 - 45 of 92

cathedra's avatar


i dont know what to say, this is really wonderful, i think this is a complete science artwork.
10 years 3 months ago
nick-samuel's avatar


My Dad says he saw this in the cinema on a really wide curved screen and after seeing Gravity in iMax, I can only imagine that this was stunning.
10 years 3 months ago
GiftedPotato's avatar


This was a very interesting movie. Actually, scratch that, this was a very interesting experience. Much more than a movie. Looking at people's complaints, I immensely enjoyed the movie's middle portion. I really enjoyed the first 35 minutes or so too even tho they could come off as very slow paced. The ending whoever, that is a different story.

I feel like the ending could have been implemented in a different fashion and better. I also feel as if the middle part could have been stretched out a bit more, maybe by 10 minutes. It left me not pondering but very confused.

None the less I really did enjoy this movie and I've heard that it does get better on repeated viewings so I'm excited for viewing it again. The cinematography and all was incredible, I mean, Stanley Kubrick's directing.

10 years 4 months ago
Agrimorfee's avatar


For those who get bored with Kubrick's dialogue...it is supposed to be boring.
11 years ago
Melvelet's avatar


This is the movie that woke me up from the idea that a movie's purpose should be to entertain.

To all future viewers: If you're not willing to "bother" with what you'll see, to think about it, read about it, if a movie ends for you with the Credits: This movie's focus is not for the viewer to have a good time and enjoy himself.
11 years 1 month ago
Nilkes's avatar


It is visually stunning, yes, extremely stunning even — it easily beats out cinematography and visual effects of most of today's films. However: everything else isn't that great: it's slow, too long and most of the music doesn't fit well with the images. The themes are interesting, but the larger part of the film was sometimes hard to follow — making it feel even slower and more boring — and could've used some explanation or narration.
11 years 1 month ago
meysam_a's avatar



I'm leaving this comment after reading all of previous comments, which i think really worth reading.

This happens when you watch this movie:
first, monkey style for half an hour! and you're going to fall asleep that a flat stone comes with this sound: "WWooooOOOOoooaaAAAAhhhhaaaaaa" that scares the shit out of you and wakes you up! then you ask yourself wtf is going on here? but no problem, there's almost 2 more hours to go!
the next half an hour is showing special effects (that are damn good! oh man is this movie really made in 1968!!??) in space with classic music, again you're going to fall asleep that the stone comes again after 4 fucking billion (or million!) years but still: "WWWwoooooaaahhhaaaaa" and you again wake up! xD really that was brilliant for waking you up.. =))
now you have 1 hour of spaceman breathing (which some say needs to be there because its the real space with nothing in it! :| ) and talking with a computer named hal.
and then comes the last half an hour that in addition to the noisy sound, to wake you up again, contains pointless scenes... well some said (in the previous comments) that if you read the book you'll get whats happening there... i don't know.

The movie is really sth and worth watching once at least, but who can say it couldn't be better!? nothing is perfect.
12 years ago
psdantonio's avatar


Given it's MGM (and their motto of: art for art's sake), I guess I can't complain about the rather extended space scenes; they were gorgeous, just dulling after a certain point.

Otherwise, this really wasn't my cup of joe, I much prefer a simpler character and plot driven film any day, even though they might not be as visually stunning.
12 years 3 months ago
devilsadvocado's avatar


If I had seen this film as a 12-year-old child in 1968, I'm pretty sure I would have seizured within the first hour. I just about seizured as a 28-year-old man in 2011. The look and feel of 2001 are superb, and hold up extremely well after 40 years.

Space Odyssey proves that a realistic portrayal of science-fiction material is much more impressive than glossy, over-the-top CGI.
12 years 5 months ago
adrieorchids's avatar


Wow...the score makes it seem absolutely creepy. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened next. I haven't read the book and can understand exactly what the scientists are supposed to be doin. You only have to pay attention to the small, but very important, speaking parts. Acid trip w/out the drugs.
12 years 9 months ago
eumer's avatar


Really can't tell what I've seen :( :P

Must be seen by programmers!
12 years 9 months ago
Timec's avatar


Forrester - The movie's not vague at all - it's quite clear in its intentions and meaning. But more importantly, the film is, quite simply, a joy to watch. There's not a dull moment, and it's one of the most endlessly enthralling films ever made (I've watched it about a dozen times over the past seven or eight years.)

In other words, this individual (who has, incidentally, never been under the influence) finds it the perfect commingling of art AND entertainment.
13 years 2 months ago
yah5's avatar


Instead of using cliches and dialogue to advance the plot, this movie uses imagery and music. It is boring to some because they've become so accustomed to being spoon fed the plot and being told how to understand what's going on in a movie while it's playing in front of them.

This movie lets the audience interpret what they're seeing however way they want. It's execution is flawless, imagery breathtaking, and the special effects at the time were groundbreaking, hell it's much better than most movies out there now! This movie is truly one of a kind and changed what it means to be a movie. Everyone should watch this movie at least once.

As for me, after I watched this movie my mind was blown away and all I could think about was the it. Watched it 4 times now and with every watching it keeps getting better and better, and I understand it a bit more. Love it and it's my favorite movie.
13 years 3 months ago
deadendjob's avatar


Kubrick at his best, most creative period. 2001, Clockwork Orange, Barry Lyndon, all artistic and creative films. This only barely manages to surpass them. It's grace and beauty is amazing and flawless. A film which evokes such emotion with stunning imagery and speaker-blasting sound (Also Sprach Zarathustra played at high volume lets you truly experience the wonder of discovery) cannot be ignored. I could sit and watch this over and over and never get tired. Every second is a single, original stroke of Kubrick's artistic brush, adding together to form a mighty masterpiece.
13 years 4 months ago
rexroom's avatar


Not for the easily bored. (Is this a slight or a recommendation? Hmm.)
13 years 4 months ago

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