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Comments 46 - 60 of 92

rodoss's avatar


unbelievably boring and overpraised. nothing really happens first and last 30 minutes and another 80 minutes are all about nothing. absolutely nothing. space exploration? beauty? God? oh, please, the movie is all about the amazing camerawork combined with awesome music pieces.
13 years 6 months ago
NewBorn007's avatar


"2001: A Space Odyssey" may lack a key audience, but the people who do decide to see the movie will be pleasantly surprised.
13 years 9 months ago
Nilofarish's avatar


Very good special ecffect for a movie from it's time. But it is not a very interesting movie.
14 years 1 month ago
dbehlman's avatar


Nothing has come close to seeing this on the big screen for me.
14 years 1 month ago
Aeonxul's avatar


Of course the visuals are still great and impressive, but the thing is i don't get the long repetitious shots that happen very frequently over this movie, i think the movie could've been shorter about an hour or half an hour and that would have satisfied me even more.
10 years 4 months ago
Karafakioglu's avatar


the dark screen at start symbolizes the creation of the universe in which humanbeing can survive and evolve. Yes actually its rather dull but pioneer of the many great movies and we should regard it as 60's minds.
11 years 2 months ago
arborealist's avatar


I loved it. I didn't find it boring at all but magnificent and thought-provoking.

To me, the slow pace and silence of the movie helped set the eerie atmosphere and helped portray humanity's insignificance in comparison to the great vastness of space.

Also, I loved how visual and metaphorical the film was. It wasn't a clear-cut, explicit film, but involved a lot of interpreting by the viewer to fully enjoy.

Overall, an intriguing film that captured my attention from the first scene.
11 years 11 months ago
roxannepena's avatar


2001: A Space Odyssey is utter brilliance, considering its time.
12 years ago
newvague's avatar


I cannot believe people found this movie 'boring'. I admit to having a rather short attention span but this one had me enthralled from the very first minute. I see no flaw in it whatsoever. Totally amazing, visually stunning experience.
12 years 1 month ago
Mette's avatar


Simply mind-blowing - and in my opinion not boring at all. Actually reminded me of last year's Melancholia and The Tree of Life.
Very beautiful and technically ahead of its time. Couldn't believe it's from 1968 - until I saw the "parents" of that one guy.
12 years 4 months ago
lastresort09's avatar


Timec and Forrester - I saw this movie for the same reason Forrester did. It sucked. There was a small story in the middle of the movie, which I agree was interesting. The rest of the movie might have been good but there was no explanation of what was going on in the end or for the most part of the movie.

I understand how some pretentious people can call it an art movie, but it was garbage. Special effects were good for that time but not worth watching in this modern age. They spent a lot of time showcasing the special effects when that is just plain boring in this age.

Nonetheless, I checked and found out that it was in fact a book. People who read the book and then watched the movie, had perfect idea about what was going on. The overall story is really unique and quite awesome, i.e. the one in the book.

If you don't read the book, you are clueless and you hate it (it is one of the two movies, I ever hated). Otherwise, it is a masterpiece (but it does bore you with special effects).

In brief, don't watch the movie without reading the book.
13 years 1 month ago
Forrester's avatar


I watched it because it is on so many top lists, but it’s one of the worst and boring movies I’ve ever seen. It’s vague, sleep-inducingly boring and painfully slow. The only good things about this movie are the music and the special effects.

I like the idea that the story is told by using film and almost no dialogue, but there were a lot of times that I did not understood what actually was happening, I especially had that with the ending. There were also a lot of times when almost nothing was happening and because of that I almost fell asleep. Definitely not my movie, although Stanley Kubrick is one of my favorite directors.

For me, this movie is like looking at a vague modern art painting for two and a half hours while trying to find the meaning behind it.
13 years 2 months ago
Vyom's avatar


Have to confess. I too fell asleep during this movie. But that was maybe, since I was watching it at midnight, alone in a dark room.
As the end of the movie came near, it did horrified me. And many times, I wished to turn On the lights. But resisted that, and faced, as the horror unfolded. Good movie, but could have been shorter.
13 years 3 months ago
modelno1's avatar


agree, boring, with perfect photography though
13 years 3 months ago
Uruloki's avatar


I fail to see how 2001 is about "beauty", let alone "god".
13 years 6 months ago

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